Intro 32, No Tag/Restart
S1: Chasse R, Behind Side Cross, Side, Slow Kick, Chasse L
1&2step Rf to R, step Lf next to Rf, step Rf to R
3&4step Lf behind Rf, step Rf to R side, cross Lf over Rf
5-6step Rf to R, slow kick Lf to L diagonal
7&8step Lf to L, step Rf next to Lf, step Lf to L
S2: Weave, 1/4L, Forward, 1/4L, Cross, Side
1-2cross Rf over Lf, step Lf to L
3-4step Rf behind, turn 1/4L stepping Lf forward, 9H
5-6step Rf forward, turn 1/4L stepping Lf in place, 6H
7-8cross Rf over Lf, step Lf to L
S3: Rocks (Cross, Side), Reverse Rocking Chair
1-2cross rock Rf over Lf, recover to Lf
3-4rock Rf to R, recover to Lf
5-6rock Rf back, recover to Lf
7-8rock Rf forward, recover to Lf
S4: Shuffle back, Coaster, 1/8L Pivot
1&2step Rf back, step Lf next to Rf, step Rf back
3&4step Lf back, step Rf next to Lf, step Lf forward
5-6step Rf forward, turn 1/8L stepping Lf in place, 4:30H
7-8repeat 5-6, 3H
Thanks and happy dancing!
Contact: procankm@hotmail.com
S1: Chasse R, Behind Side Cross, Side, Slow Kick, Chasse L
1&2step Rf to R, step Lf next to Rf, step Rf to R
3&4step Lf behind Rf, step Rf to R side, cross Lf over Rf
5-6step Rf to R, slow kick Lf to L diagonal
7&8step Lf to L, step Rf next to Lf, step Lf to L
S2: Weave, 1/4L, Forward, 1/4L, Cross, Side
1-2cross Rf over Lf, step Lf to L
3-4step Rf behind, turn 1/4L stepping Lf forward, 9H
5-6step Rf forward, turn 1/4L stepping Lf in place, 6H
7-8cross Rf over Lf, step Lf to L
S3: Rocks (Cross, Side), Reverse Rocking Chair
1-2cross rock Rf over Lf, recover to Lf
3-4rock Rf to R, recover to Lf
5-6rock Rf back, recover to Lf
7-8rock Rf forward, recover to Lf
S4: Shuffle back, Coaster, 1/8L Pivot
1&2step Rf back, step Lf next to Rf, step Rf back
3&4step Lf back, step Rf next to Lf, step Lf forward
5-6step Rf forward, turn 1/8L stepping Lf in place, 4:30H
7-8repeat 5-6, 3H
Thanks and happy dancing!
Contact: procankm@hotmail.com