CopperKnob Stepsheets

Page Image George 156369
French Language German Language Chinese Simplified Language Chinese Traditional Language English Language

Through December

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High Intermediate
Mike Wilson (USA) - December 2023
All I Want (For Christmas) - Liam Payne
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Restart during Wall 2 (40 counts in)
First 32 counts of Walls 1 and 3 are syncopated - see styling note at bottom.
Dance ends on Wall 5 after 15 counts

Starts after 8 counts.

[1-8]: L Fall-away (to face 3:00); Touch L next to R; ¼ Step L (12:00); Full Chase Turn with L Sweep; L Behind-R Side
1Step L to left side
2&3Make ⅛ turn right (to face 1:30) stepping back on R; Step back on L; Make ⅛ turn right (to face 3:00) stepping R to right side
4Touch L next to R
5Make ¼ turn left (12:00) stepping forward on L
6&7Full chase turn: step forward on R; make ½ turn left (6:00) taking weight on L; make ½ turn left (12:00) stepping back on R and sweeping L from front to back
8&Step L behind R; Step R to right side

[9-16]: ⅛ Turn Right (1:30) with L Rock; R Coaster Step with L Sweep; L Cross-R Side with ⅛ Turn Left (12:00)-Cross Rock L Behind; Recover R; Step L to left side; R Behind-¼ Turn Left with L Step (9:00)
1Make ⅛ turn right towards right diagonal (1:30) and rock forward on L foot. Option: Make a small forward hip roll.
2&3Recover on R; Step L next to R; Step forward on R sweeping L from back to front
4&5Cross L over R; Make ⅛ turn to left (squaring back up to 12:00) and step R to right side; Cross rock L behind R
6 7Recover weight onto R foot; Step L to left side (Note: Dance ends here on Wall 5)
8&Step R behind L; Make ¼ turn to left (9:00) and step forward on L

[17-24]: Rock Forward R; Recover L; Step back R with L sweep; L Behind-R Side-L Cross Rock; Recover; ¼ Turn Left (6:00) Stepping L Forward; Rolling Turn Forward (R-L)
1Rock forward on R foot
2 3Recover weight on L foot; Step back on R foot sweeping L foot from front to back
4&5Step L foot behind R; Step R foot to right side; Cross rock L foot across R
6 7Recover weight onto R foot; Make ¼ turn to left (6:00) and step forward on L
8&Make ½ turn to left stepping R back (12:00); Make ½ turn to left stepping L forward (6:00)

[25-32]: Rock Forward R; Recover L; Step back R; ¼ Turn Jazz Box to Left (3:00) (traveling backwards); Touch R next to L; ¼ Turn Right (6:00) Stepping R; ⅜ Chase Turn to right (10:30)
1Rock forward on R foot
2 3Recover weight on L foot; Step back on R foot
4&5Cross-Lock L across R foot; Step back on R foot; Make ¼ turn left (3:00) stepping L to left side (Note: This will feel like a ¼ jazz box that travels backwards)
6 7Touch R next to L; Make ¼ turn right (6:00) and step R forward
8&⅜ Chase turn: Step forward on L; Make ⅜ turn right (10:30) and step R forward

[33-40]: Walk L-R-L (towards 10:30); ½ Turn Chase to Left (4:30); ⅛ Turn Right (6:00) with L Side Rock; Recover; Cross Rock L over R; Recover
1 2 3Walk towards diagonal (10:30) L R L
4&5½ Turn Chase to Left: Step forward on R; Make ½ turn left (4:30) taking weight on L; Step forward on R
6 7Make ⅛ turn right (6:00) while rocking L to left side; Recover weight onto R
8&Cross rock L over R; Recover weight onto R
* Restart here on Wall 2

[41-48]: Syncopated full turn to left (1 2&3); Step L behind R (4); Syncopated full turn to right (&5 6 7); Recover R
1Make ¼ turn to left (3:00) stepping forward on L
2&3Fast ¾ chase turn left to return to original wall: Step forward on R; Make ½ turn left (9:00) taking weight onto L; Make ¼ turn left (6:00) stepping R to right side
4&Step L behind R; Make ¼ turn to right (9:00) stepping forward on R
5 6 7Slow ¾ chase turn right to return to original wall: Step forward on L; Make ½ turn right (3:00) taking weight onto R; Make ¼ turn right and rock L to left side
8Recover weight onto R foot

Styling Note:
The verses of this song (walls 1 and 3, counts 1-32) have a syncopated piano beat that lands rhythmically before counts 3 and 7. To match this beat, I quicken the steps before the piano beat. For anywhere you have 2&3 or 6&7, double the speed of those counts (2e& or 6e&) to land on the piano beat. Anywhere you have 2 3 or 6 7, double the speed of those counts (2 & or 6 &) to land on the piano beat. Then slow down and wait for counts 4 and 8. This will cause the dance to have a push and pull effect during those verses on Walls 1 and 3. Counts 33-48 are not syncopated at all. I wrote the diagonal walk steps to help us break away from that syncopated pattern.

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