High Beginner
Walk Right, Walk Left, Shuffle forward on Right, Left Rock recover, Step left foot back, step right foot back as you make 1/2 turn over right shoulder.
1-2Walk forward R,L
3 &4Step forward RF slide LF forward slightly to the side of RF, step RF forward
5-6Rock forward on LF, recover weight on RF
7-8Step back on LF, Step back on RF as you make a ½ turn over right shoulder to now face 6 o’clock.
Rock recover, coaster step, Left weave, Step touch
1-2Rock forward on LF recover weight on RF
3&4Step back on the LF, Step back on the RF, step forward on the LF
5-6Cross RF over LF, Step LF to Left side
7&8Step RF behind LF, Step LF to Left side and touch the RF toe next to LF
Chassè right, Cross Rock recover, Step left 1/4 turn, 1/2 turn stepping back on the RF
1-2Step RF to R side, Step LF next to RF,
3&4Step RF to R side, step LF next to RF, step RF to R side
5-6cross rock LF over RF, recover weight on RF
7-8Step LF to L side as you make a quarter turn over L shoulder, Make a half turn over LF shoulder as you step back on the RF
¼ Left side Rock recover, ball right side Rock recover, Right Jazz box
1-2make a quick quarter turn over left shoulder (to face 6 o’clock) as you Rock out to the side on the LF recovering the weight on the RF
& 3-4Step LF next to RF, Rock out to the side on RF and recover weight on LF
5&6Cross RF over LF
7&8Step LF back, step RF to right side, Step LF next to RF
1-2Walk forward R,L
3 &4Step forward RF slide LF forward slightly to the side of RF, step RF forward
5-6Rock forward on LF, recover weight on RF
7-8Step back on LF, Step back on RF as you make a ½ turn over right shoulder to now face 6 o’clock.
Rock recover, coaster step, Left weave, Step touch
1-2Rock forward on LF recover weight on RF
3&4Step back on the LF, Step back on the RF, step forward on the LF
5-6Cross RF over LF, Step LF to Left side
7&8Step RF behind LF, Step LF to Left side and touch the RF toe next to LF
Chassè right, Cross Rock recover, Step left 1/4 turn, 1/2 turn stepping back on the RF
1-2Step RF to R side, Step LF next to RF,
3&4Step RF to R side, step LF next to RF, step RF to R side
5-6cross rock LF over RF, recover weight on RF
7-8Step LF to L side as you make a quarter turn over L shoulder, Make a half turn over LF shoulder as you step back on the RF
¼ Left side Rock recover, ball right side Rock recover, Right Jazz box
1-2make a quick quarter turn over left shoulder (to face 6 o’clock) as you Rock out to the side on the LF recovering the weight on the RF
& 3-4Step LF next to RF, Rock out to the side on RF and recover weight on LF
5&6Cross RF over LF
7&8Step LF back, step RF to right side, Step LF next to RF