Notes 1 tag, 1 restart
# intro 8 counts
(1-8) R grapevine slap, L grapevine brush.
1 2 3 4step R to R side, step left behind R, step R to R side, cross L behind R knee and slap foot
5 6 7 8step L to L side, cross R behind L, step L to L side, brush R heel forward
(9-16) R Rock forward R step back, hook L, Left lock shuffle ½ turn L with Hitch.
1 2 3 4Rock forward on R, recover weight on L, step back R, Hook L leg in front of R. (TAG wall 3)
5 6 7 8step L forward, lock R behind left, step forward L, ½ turn L while hitching R knee.
(17-24) R step hop, left step hop, jazz box cross,
1 2 3 4Step forward on R, Hitch L knee and hop R forward, step L forward hitch R and hop L forward
5 6 7 8cross R over L, step back L, step R to R side, cross L over right
RESTART here on wall 7 (12 o'clock)
(25-32) 2 steps to the R, grapevine ¼ brush
1 2 3 4step R to R side step L next to R, step R to R Side, touch L next to R
5 6 7 8step L to L side, cross R behind , ¼ L stepping L forward, brush R heel
(33-40) walk back, RLR together, Left Lock step forward
1 2 3 4step R back, step L Back, step R back. Touch L next to R
5 6 7 8step L forward, cross R behind, step forward left, brush R heel
(41-48 ) R lock step brush, step ¼ R cross hold
1 2 3 4step forward R. Lock L behind step forward R. Brush L heel
5678step forward left, pivot ¼ R. Cross left over R. Hold
Start again
Tag wall 3 after 12 counts ( starts at 12 o’clock ends at 12oclock)
(1-8) full turn left walking L,R, L shuffle, walk R, L. R. L
1-2Walk L, R,
3&4L shuffle turning L
5 6 7 8walk R, L, R,L
On the last 2 walls the music changes but you can still make the counts. So keep dancing at the same speed
Contact email: mattlewis69@hotmail.com Ragjones8610@gmail.com
# intro 8 counts
(1-8) R grapevine slap, L grapevine brush.
1 2 3 4step R to R side, step left behind R, step R to R side, cross L behind R knee and slap foot
5 6 7 8step L to L side, cross R behind L, step L to L side, brush R heel forward
(9-16) R Rock forward R step back, hook L, Left lock shuffle ½ turn L with Hitch.
1 2 3 4Rock forward on R, recover weight on L, step back R, Hook L leg in front of R. (TAG wall 3)
5 6 7 8step L forward, lock R behind left, step forward L, ½ turn L while hitching R knee.
(17-24) R step hop, left step hop, jazz box cross,
1 2 3 4Step forward on R, Hitch L knee and hop R forward, step L forward hitch R and hop L forward
5 6 7 8cross R over L, step back L, step R to R side, cross L over right
RESTART here on wall 7 (12 o'clock)
(25-32) 2 steps to the R, grapevine ¼ brush
1 2 3 4step R to R side step L next to R, step R to R Side, touch L next to R
5 6 7 8step L to L side, cross R behind , ¼ L stepping L forward, brush R heel
(33-40) walk back, RLR together, Left Lock step forward
1 2 3 4step R back, step L Back, step R back. Touch L next to R
5 6 7 8step L forward, cross R behind, step forward left, brush R heel
(41-48 ) R lock step brush, step ¼ R cross hold
1 2 3 4step forward R. Lock L behind step forward R. Brush L heel
5678step forward left, pivot ¼ R. Cross left over R. Hold
Start again
Tag wall 3 after 12 counts ( starts at 12 o’clock ends at 12oclock)
(1-8) full turn left walking L,R, L shuffle, walk R, L. R. L
1-2Walk L, R,
3&4L shuffle turning L
5 6 7 8walk R, L, R,L
On the last 2 walls the music changes but you can still make the counts. So keep dancing at the same speed
Contact email: mattlewis69@hotmail.com Ragjones8610@gmail.com