High Beginner
TAG: at the end of wall 4
Sec 1 : R/L Basic N/C, Rock R fwd, R back w/ sweep,coaster step
12&-34&Take a long step R to Side (1),Step L slightly behind R (2),Cross R over L (&),Take a long step L to side (3),Step R slightly behind L (4),Cross L over R (&)
5&6-7&8Rock R fwd (5),Recover on L (&),Step R back with Sweep (6),Step L back (7),Step R next to L (&),Step L fwd (8)
Sec 2 : weave,1/2 turn,weave,touch
1&2-34Cross R over L (1),Step L to side (&),Step R behind L (2),1/4 turn L,Step L fwd (3),1/4 turn L,Step R to side (4)
5&6-78Cross R over L (5),Step L to side (&), Step R behind L (6),Step L to side (7),Step R next to L (8)
Sec 3 : R/L Syncopated cross rock,R rocking chair, Full turn L spiral
12&-34&Cross R over L (1),Recover on L (2),Step R next to L (&),Cross L over R (3),Recover on R (4),Step L next to R (&)
5&6-78Step R fwd (5),Recover on L (&),Step R behind L (6),Step R fwd ,Full Spiral turn L (7),Step R next to L,touch (8)
Sec 4 : L/R cross samba,1/4 diamond
1&2-3&4Cross R over L (1),Rock L to L (&),Recover weight onto R (2),Cross L over R (3),Rock R to R (&),Recover weight onto L (4)
5&6-7&8Cross R over L (5),1/8 R,Step L to L side (&),Step R back (6),Step L back (7),1/8 R step R to side (&),Step L fwd (8)
Tag : 4C : Sways RLRL
Good Luck & Enjoy it 💃🏼💃🏼💃🏼
Yuliana.chang @yahoo.com
Last Update - 6 Nov. 2023 - R1
Sec 1 : R/L Basic N/C, Rock R fwd, R back w/ sweep,coaster step
12&-34&Take a long step R to Side (1),Step L slightly behind R (2),Cross R over L (&),Take a long step L to side (3),Step R slightly behind L (4),Cross L over R (&)
5&6-7&8Rock R fwd (5),Recover on L (&),Step R back with Sweep (6),Step L back (7),Step R next to L (&),Step L fwd (8)
Sec 2 : weave,1/2 turn,weave,touch
1&2-34Cross R over L (1),Step L to side (&),Step R behind L (2),1/4 turn L,Step L fwd (3),1/4 turn L,Step R to side (4)
5&6-78Cross R over L (5),Step L to side (&), Step R behind L (6),Step L to side (7),Step R next to L (8)
Sec 3 : R/L Syncopated cross rock,R rocking chair, Full turn L spiral
12&-34&Cross R over L (1),Recover on L (2),Step R next to L (&),Cross L over R (3),Recover on R (4),Step L next to R (&)
5&6-78Step R fwd (5),Recover on L (&),Step R behind L (6),Step R fwd ,Full Spiral turn L (7),Step R next to L,touch (8)
Sec 4 : L/R cross samba,1/4 diamond
1&2-3&4Cross R over L (1),Rock L to L (&),Recover weight onto R (2),Cross L over R (3),Rock R to R (&),Recover weight onto L (4)
5&6-7&8Cross R over L (5),1/8 R,Step L to L side (&),Step R back (6),Step L back (7),1/8 R step R to side (&),Step L fwd (8)
Tag : 4C : Sways RLRL
Good Luck & Enjoy it 💃🏼💃🏼💃🏼
Yuliana.chang @yahoo.com
Last Update - 6 Nov. 2023 - R1