CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Low Intermediate
Aurora de Jong (USA) & Mike Wilson (USA) - October 2023
Voilà - Club Yoko
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Start after 8 counts facing 10:30.
On the first wall only, HOLD on count 1 with your weight on your left foot.

[2-8]: (all facing 10:30) R Flick; R Forward Mambo Step; Back L; Back R; L Coaster Step
2Flick R foot back
3&4Forward R Mambo Step (Rock forward on R foot; Recover on L; Step R next to L)
5Step back on L
6Step back on R
7&8L Coaster Step (Step back on L foot; Step R next to L; Step L forward)

[9-16]: Traveling Hip Bumps Forward; ⅛ Turn Left (to 9:00) into Hip Rolls
1&2Step forward on R bumping right hip forward, back, forward
3&4Step forward on L bumping left hip forward, back, forward
5-6Make ⅛ turn left (9:00) stepping R to right side. Roll hips counter-clockwise (left, back, right) ending with weight on right side on 6
7-8Roll hips clockwise (right, back, left) ending with weight on left side on 8
* Optional Hand Motion on counts 5-8: PUSH on all walls but Wall 3. See below.
* Optional Hand Motion on counts 5-8: UP MY SLEEVE on Wall 3. See below.

[17-24]: Ball-Cross; Unwind ¾ Right (to 6:00); L Side Rock; Recover; Sailor ¼ Left (to 3:00)
&1Step ball of R next to L; Cross L over R
- 4: Slowly unwind ¾ Right over next four counts, ending at 6:00 with weight on R.
5-6Rock L to left side; Recover
7&8L Sailor Step turning to 3:00 (Step L behind R; turn ¼ left stepping R to right side; step L slightly forward)
* Optional Hand Motion on counts 1-4: RAISE on all walls. See below.
* Optional Hand Motion on counts 5-6: HULA (PULL THE CURTAIN) on all walls. See below.

[25-32]: Step-Touch on R to right diagonal; Dip Step to Left; Touch R; R Jazz Box Cross
1-2Step R towards right diagonal; Touch L next to R
3Step L to left side while dipping down slightly (optional: snake to left)
4Touch R next to L
5-8R jazz box cross (cross R over L; step L back; Step R to right side; Cross L over R)
* Optional Hand Motion on counts 5-8: WAIT on Wall 1. See Below
* Optional Hand Motion on counts 5-8: MYSTIFY on Walls 3 and 5. See Below.

Wall 2 will lead into the TAG. (This only happens the first time you face 6:00)

TAG: 1-4: R Jazz Box Cross with ¼ Turn Right; Collect
1-4R jazz box cross with ¼ turn right (facing 9:00) (cross R over L; step L back; Make ¼ R stepping R to right side; Cross L over R)
For all walls: to start the dance again, do a Collect step:
&1Collect (step R to right side, Make ⅛ turn left as you step L next to R)
(Wall 2 would then start facing 1:30, and you would flick R at 1:30 to start the dance again)
* Optional Hand Motion on &1: VOILÀ on all walls. See below.

Ending: The dance will end on the Collect facing the front wall (technically 10:30) just as you start Wall 8.
Don’t do the flick that would normally follow. Just hold this position as the music ends.

Hand Motions: We’ve added some hand motions for extra flair to emphasize the “magic” elements of this song. You are welcome to add any or all of these to your dance, or invent your own flair.

PUSH: This happens on the hip rolls in the second 8, on all but wall 3. On the first hip roll, push your right hand across your body to the left side. On the second hip roll, relax your right arm and push your left hand across your body to the right side. Then relax your left arm as you move into the ball-cross.

UP MY SLEEVE: This happens at the same place in the hip rolls in the second 8, but you will only do this on Wall 3. You will be facing 6:00 when this happens. As a cue, Club Yoko will tell you “I’ve got something up my sleeve” during your traveling hip bumps. On the first hip roll, extend your left
hand to your left side, and use your right hand to pretend to pull up your left sleeve. On the second hip roll, do the same on the opposite arm (extend your right hand to your right side, and use your left hand to pretend to pull up your right sleeve).

RAISE: This happens during the slow ¾ unwind. Slowly raise your arms to your sides, palms facing up. By the end of your unwind, your arms will be about at the level of your shoulders/head.

HULA (PULL THE CURTAIN): This happens on the left rock-recover right after the unwind. We’re taking advantage of your arm position from the RAISE before. Push both arms to your left, as if you’re doing a hula, while you rock your left foot to the left side. As you recover, pull your arms back in and then relax
again as you move into the turning sailor step. Imagine you’re pulling a curtain with this move, as if you are preparing to show off your latest magic trick.

WAIT: This happens during the jazz box cross on Wall 1. You will be facing 3:00 when this happens, and Club Yoko will sing “Wait for It.” Push your right hand forward like you’re telling someone to stop. Do your jazz box cross while holding your right hand out. Let your hand drop towards your right pants pocket as you finish your jazz box cross to do the voilà move that follows.

MYSTIFY: This happens during the jazz box cross on Walls 3 and 5. On Wall 3 you will be facing the front wall, and on Wall 5 you will be facing the back wall. Club Yoko will sing “3..2..1..” It’s like she’s preparing an audience for a magic trick. We’re going to use this time to dazzle and mystify our
imaginary audience. Imagine that you are drawing a large letter S with your right hand. But tilt that letter S sideways: ∽ Push your right hand out and trace this letter ∽ in the air as you do your jazz box. As you finish your jazz box cross, let your right hand drop towards your right pants pocket to do the voilà move that follows.

VOILÀ: This happens during the collect (which you skip at the very beginning of the dance). When this move happens, Club Yoko is singing the words Voila, split between the & (Voi) and 1 (Là). We’re using this space to pretend we’re pulling something out of our pocket like a magic trick.
On & (Voi), you’ll be stepping your right foot to the right side as the first part of the collect move. At the same time, reach your right hand to the outside of your right pants pocket, as if you’re pulling a handkerchief out of an imaginary pocket. On 1 (Là), you’ll be finishing your collect to angle yourself towards the left diagonal. At the same time, reach your right hand up in the air like you’re holding that handkerchief up as a magic trick.

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