Intro: 50 counts, start on vocals.
S1: Forward 3, touch side; Backward 3, touch;
1-4R Walk forward 3, touch L side L;
5-8L Walk backward 3, touch R together;
S2: K-Step with clap;;
1-2Side R diagonally forward, touch L together + clap,
3-4Side L diagonally back, touch R together + clap;
5-6Side R diagonally back, touch L together + clap,
7-8Side L diagonally forward, touch R together + clap;
S3: Vine 3, touch + snap; Roll back 3, touch + snap;
1-4Side R, cross L in back, side R, touch L together + snap;
5-8Step L to L with ½ turn L, Step R to R with ½ turn L, side L, touch + snap;
S4: K-Step with clap;;
1-8repeat S2
S5: Cross weave 3, sweep; Cross vine 3, sweep; (Serpiente)
1-4Cross R over L, side L, cross R behind L, sweep L behind R;
1-4Cross L behind R, side R, cross L over R, sweep R over L;
S6: Slow chasse diagonally forward 2x;;
1-4Diagonally forward R, close L, side R, turn ¼ R touch;
5-8Diagonally forward L, close R, side L, touch;
S7: Step back, kick + clap, 4x ;;
1-4Step backward R, kick L + clap, Step backward L, kick R + clap;
5-8Repeat 1-4;
S8: Side, cross behind touch + snap R & L; repeat;
1-4Side R, touch L behind R + snap, reverse;
5-8Repeat 1-4;
S9: Solo circle 8;;
1-8walk around circular clockwise 8 steps;;
S10: Cross, point, 4x;;
1-8Cross R over L, point L to side, cross L over R, point R to side; repeat;
S11: Rock forward, recover, turn R back 2; walk back 2, Rock back, Recover;
1-4Rock R forward, Recover on L, turn ½R step forward, turn ½R step back;
5-8Step back R, L, Rock R back, Recover on L;
Repeat the dance 2x, then repeat S1 & S2
An 88 count dance for beginners? Yes, because it's just 1 wall and the steps are not that difficult...
It's a great dance for a demo on stage, because you keep facing the audience and there is a lot of ambiance in it.
You can find the modified music for the dance here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QIGqSUl3AA4
Or You can email me for the music: melodia@telenet.be
Happy Dancing
S1: Forward 3, touch side; Backward 3, touch;
1-4R Walk forward 3, touch L side L;
5-8L Walk backward 3, touch R together;
S2: K-Step with clap;;
1-2Side R diagonally forward, touch L together + clap,
3-4Side L diagonally back, touch R together + clap;
5-6Side R diagonally back, touch L together + clap,
7-8Side L diagonally forward, touch R together + clap;
S3: Vine 3, touch + snap; Roll back 3, touch + snap;
1-4Side R, cross L in back, side R, touch L together + snap;
5-8Step L to L with ½ turn L, Step R to R with ½ turn L, side L, touch + snap;
S4: K-Step with clap;;
1-8repeat S2
S5: Cross weave 3, sweep; Cross vine 3, sweep; (Serpiente)
1-4Cross R over L, side L, cross R behind L, sweep L behind R;
1-4Cross L behind R, side R, cross L over R, sweep R over L;
S6: Slow chasse diagonally forward 2x;;
1-4Diagonally forward R, close L, side R, turn ¼ R touch;
5-8Diagonally forward L, close R, side L, touch;
S7: Step back, kick + clap, 4x ;;
1-4Step backward R, kick L + clap, Step backward L, kick R + clap;
5-8Repeat 1-4;
S8: Side, cross behind touch + snap R & L; repeat;
1-4Side R, touch L behind R + snap, reverse;
5-8Repeat 1-4;
S9: Solo circle 8;;
1-8walk around circular clockwise 8 steps;;
S10: Cross, point, 4x;;
1-8Cross R over L, point L to side, cross L over R, point R to side; repeat;
S11: Rock forward, recover, turn R back 2; walk back 2, Rock back, Recover;
1-4Rock R forward, Recover on L, turn ½R step forward, turn ½R step back;
5-8Step back R, L, Rock R back, Recover on L;
Repeat the dance 2x, then repeat S1 & S2
An 88 count dance for beginners? Yes, because it's just 1 wall and the steps are not that difficult...
It's a great dance for a demo on stage, because you keep facing the audience and there is a lot of ambiance in it.
You can find the modified music for the dance here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QIGqSUl3AA4
Or You can email me for the music: melodia@telenet.be
Happy Dancing