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Strip That Down

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Robert Walsh (USA) - October 2023
Strip That Down - Liam Payne
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Count in: 16ct intro

Notes: 2 Restarts (wall 2 after count 48, verse 3 “Quavo” after count 32. They say “Quavo” before he starts the 3rd verse of the song)

(1-8) Section 1 - Side rock, cross shuffle, point L, L home, kick ball point, ½ turn pivot
1-2Rock RF to R side, recover LF
3&4Cross RF over L, Step LF to L, cross RF over L
5&Point L toe to L side, Step LF next to R
6&7Kick RF forward, Step RF fwd slightly on ball of foot, point L toe back
8½ turn pivot over L (transfer weight from RF to LF)

(9-16) Section 2 - Sailor step, ¼ turn sailor, Fwd rock recover, step together, back rock recover
1&2Step RF crossing behind L, step LF beside R, step RF fwd
3&4Step LF crossing behind R while making ¼ turn over L, step RF beside L, step LF fwd
5-6&Rock fwd on RF, recover on L, step RF next to L
7-8Rock back on LF, recover on R

(17-24) Section 3 - Kick ball point (x2), ¾ volta turn, brush
1&2Kick LF fwd, step LF fwd slightly, point R toe back
3&4Kick RF fwd, step RF fwd slightly, point L toe back
5&6&⅛ turn L step LF fwd, lock/step RF behind L, ¼ turn L step LF fwd, lock/step RF behind L
7&8&¼ turn L step LF fwd, lock/step RF behind L,⅛ turn L step LF fwd, brush RF next to L

(25-32) Section 4 - R mambo fwd, L coaster step, R diagonal fwd triple, L diagonal fwd step touch
1&2Rock RF fwd, recover on L, step back on RF
3&4Step back on LF, step RF next to L, step LF fwd
5&6Step fwd diagonally on RF, step LF next to R, Step fwd diagonally on RF
7-8Step fwd diagonally of LF, touch RF next to L (verse 3 “Quavo” restart here)

(33-40) Section 5 - Full turn, triple back, slide w/ foot drag L coaster step
1-2Step back on RF while making ½ turn over R, step LF fwd while making ½ turn over R
3&4Step back on RF, step LF next to R, step RF back
5-6Step back on LF (sliding back) while dragging RF next to L
7&8Step back on RF, step LF next to R, step RF fwd

(41-48) Section 6 - ¼ turn step touch, shuffle right, full hinge turn, behind side cross
1-2Step LF to L while making ¼ turn L, touch RF next to L
3&4Step RF to R side, step LF next to R, step RF to R
5-6Step LF back while making ½ turn to L, step RF fwd while making ½ turn to L
7&8Step LF crossing behind R, step RF to R, cross LF over R (restart here on 2nd time through dance- wall 2)

(49-56) Section 7 - Side rock cross w/ ¼ turn L, fwd triple, step touch w/ ¼ turn R, shuffle L
1&2Rock RF to R side, recover on L, cross RF over L while making ¼ turn L
3&4Step LF fwd, step RF next to L, step LF fwd
5-6Step RF to R while making ¼ turn R, touch LF next to R
7&8Step LF to L, step RF next to L, step LF to L

(57-64) Section 8 - Full hinge turn, behind side cross, side rock cross w/ ¼ turn R, full hinge turn
1-2Step RF back while making ½ turn to R, step LF fwd while making ½ turn to R
3&4Step RF crossing behind L, step LF to L, cross RF over L
5&6Rock LF to L, recover on RF, cross LF over R while making ¼ turn R
7-8Step fwd on RF while making ½ turn L, step LF back while making ½ turn L

Dance can also be done to The Way You Make Me Feel by Michael Jackson
After the first few drum hits 4 seconds into the song it will be a 48ct intro to start at the lyrics (29 seconds) No restarts on this song option

Last Update: 24 Oct 2023

5 评论

MrsTanner October 23, 2024
Dance can also be done to, I can't stand the rain by La Bouche.

Scottish Pat October 23, 2024
I like it!

Bigg Sexxy Robb October 24, 2024
Thank you Scottish Pat!! Feel free to upload a video of you doing the dance if you’d like!!!

Laura M November 16, 2024
So much fun! 👏🏼 a new favorite

Bigg Sexxy Robb November 16, 2024
Thank you Laura M!!!! I’m glad you enjoy it and that it’s one of your new favorites!!!

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