intro: 16 counts - No tag, no restart
S1. Side Rock, Recover, Cross, Point, Behind, Point, Back Rock, Recover
1-4Rock R to the R, Recover on L, Cross R over L, Point L to L side
5-8Step L behind R, Point R to R side, Rock back on R, Recover on L
S2. Point, Point, Cross, Flick, V step w/ Scuff
1-4Point R fwd in front of L, Point R out to R side, Cross step R over L, Flick L up and out to L side
5-8Step L out to L diagonal fwd, Step R out to R diagonal fwd, step back L to the center, scuff R fwd
S3. Step, Pivot ¼ Turn L, Cross Shuffle, ¼ Turn L Fwd shuffle, Fwd Rock, Recover
1,2,3&4Step R fwd, Pivot ¼ turn L, Cross shuffle on RLR
5&6,7,8Make a ¼ turn L & fwd shuffle on LRL, Rock R fwd, Recover on L
S4. Back, Point, Back, Point, Jazz Box w/ ¼ Turn R
1-4Walk back on R, Touch L in place, Walk back on L, Touch R in place
5-8Cross R over L, ¼ Turn R stepping back on L, Step R to side, Step L fwd
Repeat & Enjoy!
Contact Sally Hung: hung1125@gmail.com
S1. Side Rock, Recover, Cross, Point, Behind, Point, Back Rock, Recover
1-4Rock R to the R, Recover on L, Cross R over L, Point L to L side
5-8Step L behind R, Point R to R side, Rock back on R, Recover on L
S2. Point, Point, Cross, Flick, V step w/ Scuff
1-4Point R fwd in front of L, Point R out to R side, Cross step R over L, Flick L up and out to L side
5-8Step L out to L diagonal fwd, Step R out to R diagonal fwd, step back L to the center, scuff R fwd
S3. Step, Pivot ¼ Turn L, Cross Shuffle, ¼ Turn L Fwd shuffle, Fwd Rock, Recover
1,2,3&4Step R fwd, Pivot ¼ turn L, Cross shuffle on RLR
5&6,7,8Make a ¼ turn L & fwd shuffle on LRL, Rock R fwd, Recover on L
S4. Back, Point, Back, Point, Jazz Box w/ ¼ Turn R
1-4Walk back on R, Touch L in place, Walk back on L, Touch R in place
5-8Cross R over L, ¼ Turn R stepping back on L, Step R to side, Step L fwd
Repeat & Enjoy!
Contact Sally Hung: hung1125@gmail.com