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R sway, behind side cross, L sway, behind side cross
1-2Step out with the R and sway hips out to the right
3 & 4step R behind the L, then step out with the L, Step R in front of the L
5-6Step out with the L and sway hips out to the left
7 & 8step L behind the R, then step out with the R, Step L in front of the R
R shuffle forward, L shuffle forward, Full turn, R mambo, cross
1 & 2step fwd R, L, R
3 & 4step fwd L, R, L
5-6step R making a full turn turning left, step down L
7 & 8Step right to right, recover weight back to left, cross R over L
L side rock, cross shuffle, R step r, L half turn over, R heel ball change
1-2Rock L to left side, recover weight onto R
3 & 4Step L across R, step R to side, step L across R,
5-6Step R to right, ½ turn back over left, step L down
7 & 8R heel, R ball of foot replace weight and back onto L
R heel ball change, R samba botafogo, L heel grind, coaster step
1 & 2R heel, R ball of foot replace weight and back onto L
3 & 4Cross R over L, step L to left side, replace weight to R
5-6L heel grind ¼ turn left
7 & 8L step back R step to L then L forward
Last Update: 7 Nov 2023
R sway, behind side cross, L sway, behind side cross
1-2Step out with the R and sway hips out to the right
3 & 4step R behind the L, then step out with the L, Step R in front of the L
5-6Step out with the L and sway hips out to the left
7 & 8step L behind the R, then step out with the R, Step L in front of the R
R shuffle forward, L shuffle forward, Full turn, R mambo, cross
1 & 2step fwd R, L, R
3 & 4step fwd L, R, L
5-6step R making a full turn turning left, step down L
7 & 8Step right to right, recover weight back to left, cross R over L
L side rock, cross shuffle, R step r, L half turn over, R heel ball change
1-2Rock L to left side, recover weight onto R
3 & 4Step L across R, step R to side, step L across R,
5-6Step R to right, ½ turn back over left, step L down
7 & 8R heel, R ball of foot replace weight and back onto L
R heel ball change, R samba botafogo, L heel grind, coaster step
1 & 2R heel, R ball of foot replace weight and back onto L
3 & 4Cross R over L, step L to left side, replace weight to R
5-6L heel grind ¼ turn left
7 & 8L step back R step to L then L forward
Last Update: 7 Nov 2023