Absolute Beginner
Intro: 16 counts
[1-8] 4 Toe struts forward
1 2 3 4Step R toe forward and step down on heel, Repeat on L
5 6 7 8Step R toe forward and step down on heel, Repeat on L (12:00)
[9-16] Jazz Box ¼ R with a L cross, Side touches R, L
1 2 3 4Cross R over L, step back on L, Step 1/4 R, Cross L over R (3:00)
5 6 7 8Step R to side, touch L, Step L to side, touch R
**RESTART HERE Walls 2 and 6 at 6:00
[17-24] Stomp R, L heel toe heel swivel, Stomp L, R heel toe heel swivel
1 2 3 4Stomp R foot to R diagonal, swivel L heel in, L toe in, L heel in
5 6 7 8Stomp L foot to L diagonal, swivel R heel in, R toe in, R heel in (3:00)
[25-32] Hip bumps 2 Right, 2 Left, 4 Single RLRL
1 2 3 4Bump hips R twice and twice L
5 6 7 8Bump hips R L R L (3:00)
2 Easy restarts after 16 counts: Wall 2 and 6 (both walls start at 3:00 and restart is at 6:00)
Have fun adding your own styling!
Contact - Jackielinedances@gmail.com
Who’s ready to dance?!
[1-8] 4 Toe struts forward
1 2 3 4Step R toe forward and step down on heel, Repeat on L
5 6 7 8Step R toe forward and step down on heel, Repeat on L (12:00)
[9-16] Jazz Box ¼ R with a L cross, Side touches R, L
1 2 3 4Cross R over L, step back on L, Step 1/4 R, Cross L over R (3:00)
5 6 7 8Step R to side, touch L, Step L to side, touch R
**RESTART HERE Walls 2 and 6 at 6:00
[17-24] Stomp R, L heel toe heel swivel, Stomp L, R heel toe heel swivel
1 2 3 4Stomp R foot to R diagonal, swivel L heel in, L toe in, L heel in
5 6 7 8Stomp L foot to L diagonal, swivel R heel in, R toe in, R heel in (3:00)
[25-32] Hip bumps 2 Right, 2 Left, 4 Single RLRL
1 2 3 4Bump hips R twice and twice L
5 6 7 8Bump hips R L R L (3:00)
2 Easy restarts after 16 counts: Wall 2 and 6 (both walls start at 3:00 and restart is at 6:00)
Have fun adding your own styling!
Contact - Jackielinedances@gmail.com
Who’s ready to dance?!