[1-12] Waltz Balance – Forward, Back, Right Twinkle
1-3Step forward on L foot, Step R foot next to L, Step L in place
4-6Step back on R foot, Step L foot next to R, step R in place
7-9Step back on L foot, Step R foot next to L, Step L foot in place
10-12Cross R foot in front of L, Step L foot to L side, Step R foot to the R side
[13-24] Cross, Behind, Slide, Left Twinkle, Right Twinkle, Left Slow Sailor
1-3Cross L foot behind R, Step R foot to R side, Slide L foot to R
4-6Cross L foot in front of R, Step R foot to R side, Step L foot to L side
7-9Cross R foot in front of L, Step L foot to L side, Step R foot to R side
10-12Cross L foot behind R, Step R foot to R side, Step L foot to L side
[25-36] Right Slow Sailor, Left 1\4 Pivot Turn, Side, Slide, Right Cross Rock, Recover, Left Cross Rock Recover
1-3Cross R foot behind L, Step L foot to L side, Step R foot to R side
4-6On ball of R Foot pivot ¼ L, Step L foot to L side, Slide R foot next to L
7-9Cross/rock R foot over L, Recover back on L, Step R foot in place
10-12Cross/rock L foot over R, Recover back on R. Step L foot in place
[37-48] Left Weave, Sweep, Behind, Side, Waltz Balance Step with 1/2 Turn Left
1-3Cross R foot over L, Step L foot to L side, Cross R foot behind L
4-6Sweep Left foot front to back, step back on Left foot, Step R foot to R side
7-9Step forward on L foot turning ½ L, Step R foot next to L, Step L foot in place
10-12Step back on R foot, Step L foot next to R, Step R foot in place
E-mail: matt.vasquez@rocketmail.com
1-3Step forward on L foot, Step R foot next to L, Step L in place
4-6Step back on R foot, Step L foot next to R, step R in place
7-9Step back on L foot, Step R foot next to L, Step L foot in place
10-12Cross R foot in front of L, Step L foot to L side, Step R foot to the R side
[13-24] Cross, Behind, Slide, Left Twinkle, Right Twinkle, Left Slow Sailor
1-3Cross L foot behind R, Step R foot to R side, Slide L foot to R
4-6Cross L foot in front of R, Step R foot to R side, Step L foot to L side
7-9Cross R foot in front of L, Step L foot to L side, Step R foot to R side
10-12Cross L foot behind R, Step R foot to R side, Step L foot to L side
[25-36] Right Slow Sailor, Left 1\4 Pivot Turn, Side, Slide, Right Cross Rock, Recover, Left Cross Rock Recover
1-3Cross R foot behind L, Step L foot to L side, Step R foot to R side
4-6On ball of R Foot pivot ¼ L, Step L foot to L side, Slide R foot next to L
7-9Cross/rock R foot over L, Recover back on L, Step R foot in place
10-12Cross/rock L foot over R, Recover back on R. Step L foot in place
[37-48] Left Weave, Sweep, Behind, Side, Waltz Balance Step with 1/2 Turn Left
1-3Cross R foot over L, Step L foot to L side, Cross R foot behind L
4-6Sweep Left foot front to back, step back on Left foot, Step R foot to R side
7-9Step forward on L foot turning ½ L, Step R foot next to L, Step L foot in place
10-12Step back on R foot, Step L foot next to R, Step R foot in place
E-mail: matt.vasquez@rocketmail.com