CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Keep on Calling

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Stina-Eliza Sild - August 2023
Let It Ring - Reiley
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Pattern : A, A, B, A,TAG1, A, B, A, A, a (24 c),TAG2, A
Introduction : 8 count

Part A

Cross side rock, LF heel grind ¼ L, 2 walks back, coaster step
1&2step RF across LF, rock LF to L side, recover to RF
3-4touch L heel fwd turning ¼ L (09:00), step RF back
5-6 2walks back LF RF
7&8step LF back, step RF next to LF, step LF fwd

Step-side, step-side-step towards 10:30 (facing still 09:00), box-step ¼ L
1,2step RF to R diagonal, step LF next to RF
3&4step RF to R diagonal, step LF next to RF, step RF to R diagonal
5,6,7,8cross LF over RF, step RF back, ¼ turn step LF to L (06:00), step RF fwd
Styling : During counts 1-4 when stepping onto RF raise your R shoulder up and L shoulder down, when stepping LF next to RF raise your L shoulder up and R shoulder down

2hip pumps with ¼ turns R, rock fwd, sweep, coaster step
1,2turn ¼ R & touch LF to L side as you bump hips up, step down on LF
3,4turn ¼ R & touch RF to R side as you pump hips up, step down on RF (12:00)
5,6step LF slightly across RF, while recovering weight on RF sweep LF back
7&8step LF back, step RF next to LF, step LF fwd

2¼ pivot turns L with hip rolls, step to RF to R with hip roll & snap, step LF to L with hip roll & snap
1-2step RF fwd rolling hips anti-clockwise, turn ¼ L onto LF finishing hip roll (09:00)
3-4step RF fwd rolling hips anti-clockwise, turn ¼ L onto LF finishing hip roll (06:00)
5-6step RF to R side while rolling hips to R side and snap your fingers with R hand
7-8step LF to L side while rolling hips to L side and snap your fingers with L hand

Part B

Slow body roll to R diagonal, sit back on LF, 2 chest pumps and sit backs
1,2,3,4Turn your body slightly to diagonal (7:00) put weight onto RF and start a slow body roll from up to down bring weight back onto LF and sit down on your LF bending your knees
5,6,7,8bring weight to RF straighten your knees and do a chest pump (5), sit back onto LF bend your knees (6), Repeat (7,8)

Ball cross, turn ¼ L steppin RF back, LF sweep, coaster step, 2 pimp walks
&1step ball of RF next to left, cross LF over RF
2,3turn ¼ L by stepping back on RF, sweep LF front to back
4&5step LF back, step RF next to LF, step LF fwd (09:00)
6,7,8while body angled slightly to the R cross RF over LF, walk fwd LF, cross RF over LF

LF cross, RF back, LF back, RF cross, LF back, ¼ step, full turn R
1,2,3cross LF over RF, step diagonally back RF, step diagonally back LF
4,5,6cross RF over LF, step diagonally back LF, turn ¼ R stepping RF fwd (12:00)
7,8make a full turn to R ½ turn stepping LF back, ½ turn stepping RF fwd

Out, hold, out, hold, touch, ½ turn unwind, 2 walks RF, LF
1,2step LF to L side, hold
3,4step RF to R side, hold
5,6touch LF behind, unwind ½ turn left (06:00)
7,8step RF fwd, step LF fwd

Optional hands on counts 1,2,3,4:
1,2bring L hand in front of you wrist bent up like showing stop sign, hold
3,4bring L hand down and put your R hand towards to your ear as phone, hold

Tag 1
At the end of 3rd A, facing 12:00
1,2,3,4Make a slow anti-clockwise hip circle

Tag 2
During the 6th A after count 24
1,2step RF to R side while rolling hips to R side and snap your fingers with R hand
3,4raise your left hand up to the left side (palm facing towards you) look at the hand like checking who is calling
5,6Let the L hand down and sway your hips to L, sway your hips to R
7,8bounce hips twice to the L and at the same time flick your R hand twice from the wrist to R, palm facing down

Have fun and enjoy!

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