Absolute Beginner - Line / Contra
Intro: 32 count, weight on L foot
For a more fun version : add the suggested hand moves or what you like. Just have fun.
form 2 rowes facing each other.
Count 1-16 dance face to face
count 17-24 walk around your partner, R against R while doing the circle
( hand option: hold R hands against each other in shoulder level. while turning )
now facing each other again
count 25-32 dance V step x 2
( the dance is now 1 wall to fit the contra version.)
start again
(1-8) VINE R, SIDE TOUCH x 2
1-2step R to R side, cross L behind R
3-4step R to R side, touch L next to R
5-6step L to L side touch R next to L ( clap hands or snap your fingers )
7-8step R to R side, touch L next to R ( clap or snap )
(9-16) VINE L, SIDE TOUCH x 2
1-2step L to L side. cross R behind L
3-4step L to L side, touch R next to L
5-6step R to R side touch L next to R ( clap hands or snap your fingers )
7-8step L to L side touch R next to L ( clap or snap )
(17-24) WALK AROUND 8 COUNT, FULL CIRCLE CLOCKWISE ( waving hands in the air )
1-2step R fwd 1/8, step L fwd 1/8 ( 15.00)
3-4step R fwd 1/8 , step L fwd 1/8 ( 18.00)
5-6step R fwd 1/8, step L fwd 1/8 ( 9.00)
7-8step R fwd 1/8, step L fwd 1/8 ( 12.00)
(25-32) V STEP, 1/4 TURN L x 2
1-2step R fwd and out, step L fwd and out ( push both hands upwards twice )
3-4step R back, step L next to R
5-6step R fwd, turn 1/4 L
7-8step R fwd, turn 1/4 L
start again
contact: piahrossen@jubiimail.dk
Last Update: 2 Aug 2023
For a more fun version : add the suggested hand moves or what you like. Just have fun.
form 2 rowes facing each other.
Count 1-16 dance face to face
count 17-24 walk around your partner, R against R while doing the circle
( hand option: hold R hands against each other in shoulder level. while turning )
now facing each other again
count 25-32 dance V step x 2
( the dance is now 1 wall to fit the contra version.)
start again
(1-8) VINE R, SIDE TOUCH x 2
1-2step R to R side, cross L behind R
3-4step R to R side, touch L next to R
5-6step L to L side touch R next to L ( clap hands or snap your fingers )
7-8step R to R side, touch L next to R ( clap or snap )
(9-16) VINE L, SIDE TOUCH x 2
1-2step L to L side. cross R behind L
3-4step L to L side, touch R next to L
5-6step R to R side touch L next to R ( clap hands or snap your fingers )
7-8step L to L side touch R next to L ( clap or snap )
(17-24) WALK AROUND 8 COUNT, FULL CIRCLE CLOCKWISE ( waving hands in the air )
1-2step R fwd 1/8, step L fwd 1/8 ( 15.00)
3-4step R fwd 1/8 , step L fwd 1/8 ( 18.00)
5-6step R fwd 1/8, step L fwd 1/8 ( 9.00)
7-8step R fwd 1/8, step L fwd 1/8 ( 12.00)
(25-32) V STEP, 1/4 TURN L x 2
1-2step R fwd and out, step L fwd and out ( push both hands upwards twice )
3-4step R back, step L next to R
5-6step R fwd, turn 1/4 L
7-8step R fwd, turn 1/4 L
start again
contact: piahrossen@jubiimail.dk
Last Update: 2 Aug 2023