CopperKnob Stepsheets

Page Image George 157923
French Language German Language Chinese Simplified Language Chinese Traditional Language English Language

Southern Breeze (南風)

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Cat So (AUS) - July 2023
南風 - 叶炫清
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Start dance after 32 counts

Sec 1: Step lock step, hitch ½ turn, step lock step, hitch ¼ turn, cross rock, side rock, back, flick
1&2&Forward with right foot (1), lock left foot behind right foot (&), forward with right foot (2), hitch left foot turning ½ turn to the right (&)
3&4&Forward with left foot (4), lock right foot behind left foot (&), forward with left foot (2), hitch right foot turning ¼ turn to the left (&)
5&6&Cross with right foot (5), recover weight to left foot (&), side with right foot (6), recover weight to left foot (&)
7 8Back with right foot (7), flick with left foot (8) ending 3 o’clock

Sec 2: Forward shuffle, sweep, cross weave, cross rock, ¼ turn, forward, hold
1&2&Forward with left foot (1), together with right foot (&), forward with left foot (2), sweep right foot from back to front (&)
3&4&Cross with right foot (3), side with left foot (&), behind with right foot (4), side with left foot (&)
5 6&Cross with right foot (5), recover weight to left foot (6), ¼ turn to the right stepping right foot forward (&)
7 8Forward with left foot (7), hold (8) ending 6 o’clock
Restart here on wall 4 facing 9 o’clock and wall 8 facing 6 o’clock
Restart here with tag on wall 2 facing 6 o’clock and wall 6 facing 3 o’clock

Tag: Pivot ½ turn, pivot ¼ turn
1 2 3 4Forward with right foot (1), pivot ½ turn to the left stepping left foot forward (2), forward with right foot (3), ¼ turn to the left stepping left foot to the side (4)

Sec 3: ¼ turn side lunge, triple 1 3/8 turn, cross back, back, flick, forward, hitch, 1/8 turn, rock back
1 2&3¼ turn to the left with right foot lunging to the side (1), triple 1 3/8 turn to the left stepping left right left foot facing 10:30, sweeping right foot from back to front (2&3)
4&Cross with right foot (4), back with left foot (&)
5&6&Back with right foot (5), flick with left foot (&), forward with left foot (6), hitch with right foot (6)
7 8&1/8 turn to the left stepping right foot to the side facing 9 o’clock (7), rock back with left foot (8), recover weight to right foot (&) ending 9 o’clock
Easy option: Run run run 3/8 turn to the left in place of triple 1 3/8 turn for counts 2&3 facing 10:30

Sec 4: Side, cross, syncopated scissor step x 2, sway left right left
1 2Side with left foot (1), cross with right foot (2)
&3&Side with left foot (&), together with right foot (3), cross with left foot (&)
4&5Side with right foot (4), together with left foot (&), cross with right foot (5)
6 7 8Side with left foot swaying to the left (6), sway right (7), sway left (8) ending 9 o’clock

Keep dancing!

2 评论

S C Fan August 22, 2023
nice and smooth steps:)

Cat. Cat. August 22, 2023
Thanks S C K Fan
Happy dancing ☺️💃🙏

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