INTRO: 16 counts on Vocals
Diagonal Right, Together, Diagonal Right, Touch Left (Clap) Diagonal Left, Together, Diagonal Left, Touch R (Clap)
1234Step diag R, tog L, step diag R, touch L beside R clap
5678Step diag L, tog R, step diag L, touch R beside L clap
Back Right, Touch, Back Left, Touch, Back Right, Touch, 1/4 Turn Left on Left, Touch
1234Step diag back R, touch L beside R, step back diag L, touch R beside L
5678Step diag back R, touch L beside R, 1/4 turn L on L, touch R beside L, #
Vine Right Together Left, Twist Heels Left, Toes Left, Heels Centre, Hold
1234Step side R, behind L, step side R, together L
5678Twist heels L, toes L, heels centre, hold
Heel Right Diagonal, Close 1/4 Turn Left, Heel Left Diagonal, Close, Heel Right Diagonal, Close 1/4 Turn Left, Heel left Diagonal, Close
1234heel R diag, close beside R 1/4 turn L, (weight on R), L heel Fwd, close
5678Heel R diag, close beside R 1/4turn L, (weight on R), L heel Fwd, close (this will be 1/2 turn L)
Rock Forward Right, Replace, Shuffle Back RLR, Rock Back, Replace, Shuffle Forward LRL
123&4Rock Fwd R, replace onto L, Shuffle back RLR
567&8Rock back L, replace onto R, shuffle Fwd LRL
Forward Right, Touch, 1/4 Turn Left, Side Shuffle LRL, Forward Right, Touch, 1/4Turn Left, Side Shuffle LRL **
123&4Step Fwd R, touch L beside R, 1/4 turn L, side shuffle LRL
567&8Step Fwd R, touch L beside R, 1/4 turn L, side shuffle LRL (this will be 1/2 turn L)
Side Right, together Left, Forward Right, Touch Left *, Side Left, Together, Side Touch
1234Step side R, tog L, Fwd R, touch L beside R, Note: * Count 4, change weight onto L
5678Step side L, tog R, step side L, touch R beside L
RESTART: * Wall 2. Dance to count 52, Note. will be facing 6.00
** Wall 3. Dance to count 48, will be facing 3.00
FINISH: # Wall 7. Dance to count 16, will be facing 3.00
1234Step Fwd R, 1/4 Turn L, tog R
GLENDA SILVER: Footlooselinedancers.net EMAIL: glendaksilver@gmail.com MOBILE: 0427927019
Diagonal Right, Together, Diagonal Right, Touch Left (Clap) Diagonal Left, Together, Diagonal Left, Touch R (Clap)
1234Step diag R, tog L, step diag R, touch L beside R clap
5678Step diag L, tog R, step diag L, touch R beside L clap
Back Right, Touch, Back Left, Touch, Back Right, Touch, 1/4 Turn Left on Left, Touch
1234Step diag back R, touch L beside R, step back diag L, touch R beside L
5678Step diag back R, touch L beside R, 1/4 turn L on L, touch R beside L, #
Vine Right Together Left, Twist Heels Left, Toes Left, Heels Centre, Hold
1234Step side R, behind L, step side R, together L
5678Twist heels L, toes L, heels centre, hold
Heel Right Diagonal, Close 1/4 Turn Left, Heel Left Diagonal, Close, Heel Right Diagonal, Close 1/4 Turn Left, Heel left Diagonal, Close
1234heel R diag, close beside R 1/4 turn L, (weight on R), L heel Fwd, close
5678Heel R diag, close beside R 1/4turn L, (weight on R), L heel Fwd, close (this will be 1/2 turn L)
Rock Forward Right, Replace, Shuffle Back RLR, Rock Back, Replace, Shuffle Forward LRL
123&4Rock Fwd R, replace onto L, Shuffle back RLR
567&8Rock back L, replace onto R, shuffle Fwd LRL
Forward Right, Touch, 1/4 Turn Left, Side Shuffle LRL, Forward Right, Touch, 1/4Turn Left, Side Shuffle LRL **
123&4Step Fwd R, touch L beside R, 1/4 turn L, side shuffle LRL
567&8Step Fwd R, touch L beside R, 1/4 turn L, side shuffle LRL (this will be 1/2 turn L)
Side Right, together Left, Forward Right, Touch Left *, Side Left, Together, Side Touch
1234Step side R, tog L, Fwd R, touch L beside R, Note: * Count 4, change weight onto L
5678Step side L, tog R, step side L, touch R beside L
RESTART: * Wall 2. Dance to count 52, Note. will be facing 6.00
** Wall 3. Dance to count 48, will be facing 3.00
FINISH: # Wall 7. Dance to count 16, will be facing 3.00
1234Step Fwd R, 1/4 Turn L, tog R
GLENDA SILVER: Footlooselinedancers.net EMAIL: glendaksilver@gmail.com MOBILE: 0427927019