Intro:16 counts
Walk x 2, side mambo x 2, ¼ pivot
123&4Walk fwd RL, step R to side, recover L, step R together
5&678Step L to side, recover R, step L together, step R in front ¼ pivot left
Syncopated weave to left
123&4Cross R over L, step L to side, Step R behind, step L to side, step R cross in front of L Rock L to side, recover R, step together, rock R to side, recover L
56&78Rock L to side, recover R, step L next to R, rock R to side, recover L
Point front, point side, cross samba (travel fwd), x 2
123&4Point R to front, point to side, cross R over L, step L to side, step R to side
567&8Point L to front, point to side, cross L over R, step R to side, step L to side
Jazz box, step R fwd, kick, touch toe behind turn ½ left
1234Cross R over L, step L back, step R next to L, step L fwd
5678Step R fwd, kick L, touch L toe behind turn ½ left
No Tag! No restarted!
Ending: Start the last wall at the 3.00 o’clock wall doing 16 counts of the sequence
facing front and pose!
Contact: williewkyeung@gmail.com
Walk x 2, side mambo x 2, ¼ pivot
123&4Walk fwd RL, step R to side, recover L, step R together
5&678Step L to side, recover R, step L together, step R in front ¼ pivot left
Syncopated weave to left
123&4Cross R over L, step L to side, Step R behind, step L to side, step R cross in front of L Rock L to side, recover R, step together, rock R to side, recover L
56&78Rock L to side, recover R, step L next to R, rock R to side, recover L
Point front, point side, cross samba (travel fwd), x 2
123&4Point R to front, point to side, cross R over L, step L to side, step R to side
567&8Point L to front, point to side, cross L over R, step R to side, step L to side
Jazz box, step R fwd, kick, touch toe behind turn ½ left
1234Cross R over L, step L back, step R next to L, step L fwd
5678Step R fwd, kick L, touch L toe behind turn ½ left
No Tag! No restarted!
Ending: Start the last wall at the 3.00 o’clock wall doing 16 counts of the sequence
facing front and pose!
Contact: williewkyeung@gmail.com