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Just One Kiss

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Intermediate - waltz
Hanna Pitkänen (FIN) - 8 July 2023
Just One Kiss (feat. Mia Niles) - Loving Caliber
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There is 1 tag, that happens after walls 2 and 6 facing the back wall
Start the dance after 3 counts from the word “bad”, approx. 1 second into track.

[1-12]: Cross, kick, hitch, left twinkle ½ turn, right twinkle, weave right
1,2,3Cross R over L (1), low kick L to diagonal forward (2), hitch L (3)
4,5,6Cross L over R (4), ¼ turn left as you step back R (5), ¼ turn left as you step L to side (6) (facing 6)
1,2,3Cross R over L (1), step left to side (2), step R to side (3)
4,5,6Cross L over R (4), step R to side (5), cross L behind R (6)

[13-24]: Side with drag, cross, hitch, right twinkle 1/8 turn, forward rock L
1,2-3Big step with R to side (1), drag L towards R (2-3)
4,5-6cross L over R (4), hitch R (5-6)
1,2,3Cross R over L (1), step L to side (2), 1/8 turn right as you step R forward (3) (facing 7:30)
4,5,6Rock L forward (4), recover weight to R (5), step back L (6)

[25-36]: back, point, sway R L R, left balance step
1,2-3Point back R (1), ¼ turn right as you sway to right (2-3) facing 10:30
4-6Sway to left (4-6)
1-3Sway to right (1-3)
4,5,6Step L to side (4), rock R back (2), recover weight L (3)
*Optional hand movements with the steps described above (4-6):
4,5,6Swing your arms from the sides to the center (cross them from wrists in front) (4-6)

[37-48]: Side with drag, cross, ¾ turn right, step fwd R, triple turn left
1-3Big step to side with right as you drag L towards R (1-3)
4-6Cross L over R (4), ¾ turn right weight stays on L (5-6) facing 1:30
*Optional hand movements with the steps described above (1-6):
1-3Swing both arms back out to sides (1), continue rising your right arm up making a half circle, palm facing down (2-3)
4-6Continue into a full circle with your right arm bringing it down, palm facing inside the circle (4-6)
1-3Step R forward (1-3)
4,5,6Step L forward (4), ½ turn left as you step back R (5), ½ turn left as you step L forward (6)
* you are already open to the 7:30 corner to start your next wall which is 1/8 to your right or you could also say the wall that starts facing 9

TAG happens after walls 2 and 6 facing the back wall
Don’t worry, it just seems long, but the figures are slow, so there isn´t really that much steps
[1-12]: Cross, sweep, cross, sweep to figure S, behind, side, cross
1-31/8 turn to right to straighten to back wall as you cross R over L sweeping L from back to front (1-3) facing 12
4-6Cross L over R as you sweep R from back to front (4-6)
1-3Continue sweeping R across L making a round clockwise turn to reverse the sweep (like the letter S from the bottom up)
4-6Cross R behind L (4), step L to side 5), cross L over R (6)

[13-24]: Sway left, side, ball, step, ½ turn, step, pivot ½
1-3Sway to left side (1-3)
4-6Step R to side (4-5), step L next to right (6)
1-3Step R forward (1), Pivot ½ turn to left keeping weight on R (2-3) facing 6
4,5,6Step L forward (4), step R forward (5), pivot ½ turn left stepping L forward (6)

Have fun dancing!


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