40 counts lead in – starts on vocals
No Tags or Restarts
Section 1: Weave L w/ Point, Weave R w/Point
1-2Step R foot in front of L, Step L to L side
3-4Step R foot in back of L, Point L to L side
5-6Step L foot in front of r, Step R to R side
7-8Step L foot in back of R, Point R to R side
Section 2: Lock & Scuff R, Lock & Scuff L
1-2Step R foot diag F, Lock L foot behind R
3-4Step R foot diag F, Scuff L forward to L diag
5-6Step L foot diag F, Lock R foot behind L
7-8Step L foot diag F, Scuff R forward to R diag
Section 3: V Step 2x
1-2Step R foot diag F, Step L foot diag F
3-4Step R foot diag B, Step L foot diag B
5-6Step R foot diag F, Step L foot diag F
7-8Step R foot diag B, Step L foot diag B
Section 4: ¼ Paddleturn L 2x, Rocking Chair
1-2Touch R foot to R side pivoting a 1/8 turn L (10:30)
3-4Touch R foot to R side pivoting a 1/8 turn L (9:00)
5-6Rock R foot F, Recover weight on L
7-8Rock R foot B, Recover weight on L
Contact: sflynn32949@gmail.com
No Tags or Restarts
Section 1: Weave L w/ Point, Weave R w/Point
1-2Step R foot in front of L, Step L to L side
3-4Step R foot in back of L, Point L to L side
5-6Step L foot in front of r, Step R to R side
7-8Step L foot in back of R, Point R to R side
Section 2: Lock & Scuff R, Lock & Scuff L
1-2Step R foot diag F, Lock L foot behind R
3-4Step R foot diag F, Scuff L forward to L diag
5-6Step L foot diag F, Lock R foot behind L
7-8Step L foot diag F, Scuff R forward to R diag
Section 3: V Step 2x
1-2Step R foot diag F, Step L foot diag F
3-4Step R foot diag B, Step L foot diag B
5-6Step R foot diag F, Step L foot diag F
7-8Step R foot diag B, Step L foot diag B
Section 4: ¼ Paddleturn L 2x, Rocking Chair
1-2Touch R foot to R side pivoting a 1/8 turn L (10:30)
3-4Touch R foot to R side pivoting a 1/8 turn L (9:00)
5-6Rock R foot F, Recover weight on L
7-8Rock R foot B, Recover weight on L
Contact: sflynn32949@gmail.com