Easy Beginner
Rock Around the Clock - Bill Haley & The Comets或:
Please Mama Please - Go Cat Go
Sixties Medley - Die Campbells
Thank you to Joan Eu for suggesting an EZ dance for beginners
Use as split floor dance with Rock Around The Clock (choreographer Tony Chapman)
Start at vocals
S1 Strut forward
1-4Forward on R heel, place R toe down, forward on L heel, place L toe down
5-8Repeat steps 1-4
S2 Strut back
9-12Place R toe behind, place R heel down, place L toe behind, place L heel down
13-16Repeat steps 9-12
S3 Right side touches
17-20Touch R to R side, hold, touch R next to L, hold
21-24Touch R to R side, touch R next to L, touch R to R side, hold
S4 Jazz box with struts turning ¼ R
25-28Step R toe forward, place heel down, place L toe behind, place heel down
29-32Turning ¼ R place R toe forward, place heel down, place L toe next to R, place heel down (3.00)
S5 Toe, heel, stomp, hold x 2
33-36Twist R toe towards L, straighten and place R heel down, stomp R next to L (or cross over L), hold
37-40Twist L toe towards R, straighten and place L heel down, stomp L next to R (or cross over R), hold
S6 Mambo forward and back
41-44Step R forward, recover on L, step R slightly behind L
45-48Step L behind, recover on R, step L slightly in front of R
I do not own the music
Contact: Email: mariepietersz@hotmail.com
Tel: 61 412 296 827
Last Update - 30 July 2023
Use as split floor dance with Rock Around The Clock (choreographer Tony Chapman)
Start at vocals
S1 Strut forward
1-4Forward on R heel, place R toe down, forward on L heel, place L toe down
5-8Repeat steps 1-4
S2 Strut back
9-12Place R toe behind, place R heel down, place L toe behind, place L heel down
13-16Repeat steps 9-12
S3 Right side touches
17-20Touch R to R side, hold, touch R next to L, hold
21-24Touch R to R side, touch R next to L, touch R to R side, hold
S4 Jazz box with struts turning ¼ R
25-28Step R toe forward, place heel down, place L toe behind, place heel down
29-32Turning ¼ R place R toe forward, place heel down, place L toe next to R, place heel down (3.00)
S5 Toe, heel, stomp, hold x 2
33-36Twist R toe towards L, straighten and place R heel down, stomp R next to L (or cross over L), hold
37-40Twist L toe towards R, straighten and place L heel down, stomp L next to R (or cross over R), hold
S6 Mambo forward and back
41-44Step R forward, recover on L, step R slightly behind L
45-48Step L behind, recover on R, step L slightly in front of R
I do not own the music
Contact: Email: mariepietersz@hotmail.com
Tel: 61 412 296 827
Last Update - 30 July 2023