Intro - 16 count, weight on L foot - No restarts, no tags
S1: Step forward, step together, heel dig, 1/4 turn left, grapevine right, heel digs
1-2Step forward (R foot leading), step together with L foot
3-4Dig R heel, make a 1/4 turn left (pivoting with the R heel)
5-6Cross L foot behind R, step right with R foot (shortened grapevine)
7-8Dig L heel (2x)
S2: Grapevine left, heel digs, toe tap, heel slap
1-2Step left with L foot, cross R foot behind L foot
3-4Step left with L foot, step together with R foot
5-6Dig R heel (2x)
7-8Point R toe behind, lift R heel and slap with L hand
S3: Step kicks, walk backwards, hitch
1-2Step forward with R foot, kick forward with L foot
3-4Bring L foot down and step forward, kick forward with R foot
5-6Take two steps back (R foot followed by L)
7-8Take one more step back with R foot, raise L knee
S4: Step forward, rock/recover, step back
1-2Step forward with L foot, rock forward on R foot
3-4Recover on L foot, step backwards with R foot
5-6Step forward with L foot, rock forward on R foot
7-8Recover on L foot, step backwards with R foot
S1: Step forward, step together, heel dig, 1/4 turn left, grapevine right, heel digs
1-2Step forward (R foot leading), step together with L foot
3-4Dig R heel, make a 1/4 turn left (pivoting with the R heel)
5-6Cross L foot behind R, step right with R foot (shortened grapevine)
7-8Dig L heel (2x)
S2: Grapevine left, heel digs, toe tap, heel slap
1-2Step left with L foot, cross R foot behind L foot
3-4Step left with L foot, step together with R foot
5-6Dig R heel (2x)
7-8Point R toe behind, lift R heel and slap with L hand
S3: Step kicks, walk backwards, hitch
1-2Step forward with R foot, kick forward with L foot
3-4Bring L foot down and step forward, kick forward with R foot
5-6Take two steps back (R foot followed by L)
7-8Take one more step back with R foot, raise L knee
S4: Step forward, rock/recover, step back
1-2Step forward with L foot, rock forward on R foot
3-4Recover on L foot, step backwards with R foot
5-6Step forward with L foot, rock forward on R foot
7-8Recover on L foot, step backwards with R foot