S1) waltz basic fwd, waltz basic back
1-3L fwd(1), R together(2), L together(3)
4-6R back(4), L together(5), R together(6)
S2) twinkle L, twinkle R
1-3L cross(1), R side rock(2), L recover(3)
4-6R cross(4), L side rock(5), R recover(6)
S3) fwd, 1/4L sweep 2 counts, R cross rock, R side
1-3L fwd(1), 1/4L R sweep 2counts(9:00)(2-3)
4-6R cross rock(4), L recover(5), R side(6)
S4) L cross rock/recover, chase 1/2L turn
1-3L cross rock(1), R recover(2), L side(3)
4-6R fwd(4), 1/2L turn(5), R fwd(3:00)(6)
*Enjoy the dance!
*Contact: ejsong364@daum.net
1-3L fwd(1), R together(2), L together(3)
4-6R back(4), L together(5), R together(6)
S2) twinkle L, twinkle R
1-3L cross(1), R side rock(2), L recover(3)
4-6R cross(4), L side rock(5), R recover(6)
S3) fwd, 1/4L sweep 2 counts, R cross rock, R side
1-3L fwd(1), 1/4L R sweep 2counts(9:00)(2-3)
4-6R cross rock(4), L recover(5), R side(6)
S4) L cross rock/recover, chase 1/2L turn
1-3L cross rock(1), R recover(2), L side(3)
4-6R fwd(4), 1/2L turn(5), R fwd(3:00)(6)
*Enjoy the dance!
*Contact: ejsong364@daum.net