Starts on the lyrics “All I want to do”
2 restarts and 1 tag. 1st restart on 2nd wall at the beginning of the ninth count of 8 (65) just after the two full turns. 2nd restart on the 3rd wall at the beginning of the tenth count of 8 (73). Tag at the end of the 4th wall.
Toe Heel Step, Steps
1&2R Toe Heel Step
3&4L Toe Heel Step
5,6R step back, L step back (1st position)
&7&8Side Step R, Side Step L
1&2,3,4R Lindy
5&6,7,8L Lindy
Turn, Steps, Knee Pop
1,2,3,4Step forward with R making ¼ turn to the right, step forward with L while popping R knee, R step forward, step L foot forward while popping R knee
5,6,7&8½ turn - step forward with R foot, step forward L foot making ½ turn to the R, starting with R foot step together step moving forward
Cross Steps
1,2Cross L foot in front of R, bring R foot out to side
3,4Cross R foot in front of L, bring L foot out to side
5,6Cross L foot in front of R, bring R foot back
7&8Bring L foot out to side and bring R foot in (1st position)
1&2,3,4R Lindy
5&6,7,8L Lindy
Hips, Ball Change Kick, Step Togethers
1&2R hip, L hip R hip
3&4Step L foot back, step R foot, kick L foot
&5,&6,7,8L foot back, step together step starting with R foot, step L foot, R foot (1st position)
1,2,3,4Right ¼ turn grapevine
5,6,7,8L grapevine
Full Turn
1,2,3,4Full turn to the R (side step R, turning R step L, keep turning R and step R, touch L)
5,6,7,8Full turn to the L (side step L, turning L step R, keep turning L and step L, touch R)
On second wall this is where the first restart happens
Hips, Steps
1&2Two hips to the R
3&4Two hips to the L
5Step forward with R foot, ½ turn to the L
6,7, 8Step L, R, L (1st position)
On third wall second restart is here!
Side Step, Knee Pop
1,2R Side step, bring L foot back while popping R knee
3, 4Side step R, touch L
5,6L Side step, bring R foot back while popping L knee,
7,8Side step L, touch R
Heel Click, Turn
1&2Step forward with R, heel click
3&4Step forward with L, heel click
5,6,7,8Two ½ turns – step forward with R foot, turning to L, repeat
Walk, Kick, Step
1,2,3,4Walk forward R, L, R, kick L
5,6,7,8Step back L, R, L, touch R
Step Together, Turn
1,2,3,4Starting with R foot to the side – step together step together
5,6Side step L, step R foot behind L
&7Quickly side step L, step R foot in front of L
&8¼ turn to the L stepping L, step R
This is the tag at the end of the 4th wall – 4 step touches
1,2Side step right, touch L
3,4Side step L, touch R
5,6Side step R, touch L
7,8Side step L touch R
2 restarts and 1 tag. 1st restart on 2nd wall at the beginning of the ninth count of 8 (65) just after the two full turns. 2nd restart on the 3rd wall at the beginning of the tenth count of 8 (73). Tag at the end of the 4th wall.
Toe Heel Step, Steps
1&2R Toe Heel Step
3&4L Toe Heel Step
5,6R step back, L step back (1st position)
&7&8Side Step R, Side Step L
1&2,3,4R Lindy
5&6,7,8L Lindy
Turn, Steps, Knee Pop
1,2,3,4Step forward with R making ¼ turn to the right, step forward with L while popping R knee, R step forward, step L foot forward while popping R knee
5,6,7&8½ turn - step forward with R foot, step forward L foot making ½ turn to the R, starting with R foot step together step moving forward
Cross Steps
1,2Cross L foot in front of R, bring R foot out to side
3,4Cross R foot in front of L, bring L foot out to side
5,6Cross L foot in front of R, bring R foot back
7&8Bring L foot out to side and bring R foot in (1st position)
1&2,3,4R Lindy
5&6,7,8L Lindy
Hips, Ball Change Kick, Step Togethers
1&2R hip, L hip R hip
3&4Step L foot back, step R foot, kick L foot
&5,&6,7,8L foot back, step together step starting with R foot, step L foot, R foot (1st position)
1,2,3,4Right ¼ turn grapevine
5,6,7,8L grapevine
Full Turn
1,2,3,4Full turn to the R (side step R, turning R step L, keep turning R and step R, touch L)
5,6,7,8Full turn to the L (side step L, turning L step R, keep turning L and step L, touch R)
On second wall this is where the first restart happens
Hips, Steps
1&2Two hips to the R
3&4Two hips to the L
5Step forward with R foot, ½ turn to the L
6,7, 8Step L, R, L (1st position)
On third wall second restart is here!
Side Step, Knee Pop
1,2R Side step, bring L foot back while popping R knee
3, 4Side step R, touch L
5,6L Side step, bring R foot back while popping L knee,
7,8Side step L, touch R
Heel Click, Turn
1&2Step forward with R, heel click
3&4Step forward with L, heel click
5,6,7,8Two ½ turns – step forward with R foot, turning to L, repeat
Walk, Kick, Step
1,2,3,4Walk forward R, L, R, kick L
5,6,7,8Step back L, R, L, touch R
Step Together, Turn
1,2,3,4Starting with R foot to the side – step together step together
5,6Side step L, step R foot behind L
&7Quickly side step L, step R foot in front of L
&8¼ turn to the L stepping L, step R
This is the tag at the end of the 4th wall – 4 step touches
1,2Side step right, touch L
3,4Side step L, touch R
5,6Side step R, touch L
7,8Side step L touch R