Intermediate - waltz
Start dance after 36 counts - No tag, no restart
Sec 1: Forward and back waltz basic, ¼ turn, forward and back waltz basic
1 2 3Forward with left foot (1), together with right foot (2), together with left foot (3)
4 5 6Back with right foot (4), together with left foot (5), together with right foot (6)
7 8 9¼ turn to the left stepping left foot forward (7), together with right foot (8), together with left foot (9)
10 11 12Back with right foot (10), together with left foot (11), together with right foot (12) ending 9 o’clock
Sec 2: Left twinkle, right twinkle, cross weave, diagonal hitch kick
1 2 3Cross with left foot (1), side with right foot (2), side with left foot (3)
4 5 6Cross with right foot (4), side with left foot (5), side with right foot (6)
7 8 9Cross with left foot (7), side with right foot (8), behind with left foot (9)
10 11 12Forward with right foot to right diagonal facing 10:30 (10), hitch with left foot(11), kick with left foot (12)ending 10:30
Sec 3: ½ turn, cross, side rock, cross weave, ¼ turn, walk, walk
1 2 3Back with left foot (1), back with right foot (2), ½ turn to the left with left foot stepping forward facing 4:30 (3)
4 5 6Cross with right foot (4), 1/8 turn to the right stepping left foot to the side facing 6o’clock (5), recover weight to right foot (6)
7 8 9Cross with left foot (7), side with right foot (8), behind with left foot (9)
10 11 12¼ turn to the right stepping right foot forward (10), forward with left foot (11), forward with right foot (12)
Turning option: Triple 1¼ turn to the right in place of ¼ turn, walk, walk
10 11 12¼ turn to the right stepping right foot forward (10), ½ turn to the right stepping left foot back (11), ½ turn to the right stepping right foot forward (12)
ending 9 o’clock
Sec 4: Diamond fallaway
1 2 3Cross with left foot facing 10:30 (1), side with right foot facing 9 o’clock (2), back with left foot facing 7:30 (3)
4 5 6Back with right foot (4), side with left foot facing 6 o’clock (5), forward with right foot facing 4:30 (6)
7 8 9Forward with left foot (7), side with right foot facing 3 o’clock (8), back with left foot facing 1:30 (9)
10 11 12Back with right foot (10), side with left foot facing 12 o’clock (11), forward with right foot facing 10:30 (12) ending 10:30
Turn 1/8 to the left and start again facing 9 o’clock.
Happy dancing!
Contact: Winchun168@hotmail.com
Sec 1: Forward and back waltz basic, ¼ turn, forward and back waltz basic
1 2 3Forward with left foot (1), together with right foot (2), together with left foot (3)
4 5 6Back with right foot (4), together with left foot (5), together with right foot (6)
7 8 9¼ turn to the left stepping left foot forward (7), together with right foot (8), together with left foot (9)
10 11 12Back with right foot (10), together with left foot (11), together with right foot (12) ending 9 o’clock
Sec 2: Left twinkle, right twinkle, cross weave, diagonal hitch kick
1 2 3Cross with left foot (1), side with right foot (2), side with left foot (3)
4 5 6Cross with right foot (4), side with left foot (5), side with right foot (6)
7 8 9Cross with left foot (7), side with right foot (8), behind with left foot (9)
10 11 12Forward with right foot to right diagonal facing 10:30 (10), hitch with left foot(11), kick with left foot (12)ending 10:30
Sec 3: ½ turn, cross, side rock, cross weave, ¼ turn, walk, walk
1 2 3Back with left foot (1), back with right foot (2), ½ turn to the left with left foot stepping forward facing 4:30 (3)
4 5 6Cross with right foot (4), 1/8 turn to the right stepping left foot to the side facing 6o’clock (5), recover weight to right foot (6)
7 8 9Cross with left foot (7), side with right foot (8), behind with left foot (9)
10 11 12¼ turn to the right stepping right foot forward (10), forward with left foot (11), forward with right foot (12)
Turning option: Triple 1¼ turn to the right in place of ¼ turn, walk, walk
10 11 12¼ turn to the right stepping right foot forward (10), ½ turn to the right stepping left foot back (11), ½ turn to the right stepping right foot forward (12)
ending 9 o’clock
Sec 4: Diamond fallaway
1 2 3Cross with left foot facing 10:30 (1), side with right foot facing 9 o’clock (2), back with left foot facing 7:30 (3)
4 5 6Back with right foot (4), side with left foot facing 6 o’clock (5), forward with right foot facing 4:30 (6)
7 8 9Forward with left foot (7), side with right foot facing 3 o’clock (8), back with left foot facing 1:30 (9)
10 11 12Back with right foot (10), side with left foot facing 12 o’clock (11), forward with right foot facing 10:30 (12) ending 10:30
Turn 1/8 to the left and start again facing 9 o’clock.
Happy dancing!
Contact: Winchun168@hotmail.com