CopperKnob Stepsheets

Page Image George 158176
French Language German Language Chinese Simplified Language Chinese Traditional Language English Language

Let Your Colours Shine

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Easy Intermediate
Leonie Smallwood (AUS) - June 2023
The Planet - BTS
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1,2,3,4Walk forward Right, Left, turn 1/2 R to step back Right, Left
5&6,7&8Right coaster step (back R, tog L, fwd R), Left lock shuffle fwd (fwd L, close R behind L, fwd L)

1,2,3,4Lock step fwd R, L, R, step fwd L
5&6Twist heels R, L, R. On the last twist, turn 1/4R and move all your weight to your L foot.
&7,8Hitch R knee, push to take a big step to the R with your R foot. Slide L towards R.

1-4Touch L toe across and fwd to the front R diagonal, touch L toe back and out to the back L diagonal, step L across in front of R, touch R toe to R side.
5-8Touch R toe across and fwd to the front L diagonal, touch R toe back and out to the back R diagonal, step R across in front of L, touch L toe to L side.

1-4Step L to roll hips full circle anti-clockwise (3 counts), finish with your weight on your R foot. Step L beside R.
5-8Step R out to R side to roll hips full circle clockwise (3 counts), finish with your weight on your L foot. Touch R beside L.

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