Beginner +
Intro : 16 counts
[1-8] Vine 1/4 turn R, Step 1/4 turn R, Cross, Slide
1-2-3Step R to R side (1), cross L behind R (2), 1/4 turn 3 step R forward (3) - 3H
4-5Step L forward (4), 1/4 turn R body weigh on R (5) - 6H
6-7-8Cross L over R (6), big step R to R side (7-8)
[9-16] Behind side cross rock, Step side, Cross 1/8 L, walk, kick
1-2Cross L behind R (1), step R to R side (2)
3-4Cross rock L over R (3), recover on R (4)
5-6Step L to L side (5), cross R over L with 1/8 turn L (6) - 4H30
7-8Step L forward (7), kick R (8)
[17-24] Slow Coaster step, step sweep (x2), Jazz box
1-2-3Step R back (1), step L next to R (2), step R forward (3)
4-5-6Sweep L back to front (4), step L forward (5), sweep R back to front (6)
7-8Cross R over L (7), 1/8 turn R step L back (8) - 6H
[25-32] Ending of Jazz box, Shuffle, Rock Step, Side Step, Touch
1-2Step R to R side (1), cross L over R (2)
3&4Step R to R side (3), step L next to R (&), step R to R side (4)
5-6Rock L back (5), recover on R (6)
7-8Step L to L side (7), touch point R next to L (8)
TAG : after the 4th wall (ending facing 12H) :
1-2Step R to R side (1), touch L next to R (2)
3-4Step L to L side (3), touch point R next to L (4)
Ending : on the 11th wall (Start facing 6H), dance 16 counts, after the kick R, make 1/8 turn to the R to facing 12H and slide with R to R side
[1-8] Vine 1/4 turn R, Step 1/4 turn R, Cross, Slide
1-2-3Step R to R side (1), cross L behind R (2), 1/4 turn 3 step R forward (3) - 3H
4-5Step L forward (4), 1/4 turn R body weigh on R (5) - 6H
6-7-8Cross L over R (6), big step R to R side (7-8)
[9-16] Behind side cross rock, Step side, Cross 1/8 L, walk, kick
1-2Cross L behind R (1), step R to R side (2)
3-4Cross rock L over R (3), recover on R (4)
5-6Step L to L side (5), cross R over L with 1/8 turn L (6) - 4H30
7-8Step L forward (7), kick R (8)
[17-24] Slow Coaster step, step sweep (x2), Jazz box
1-2-3Step R back (1), step L next to R (2), step R forward (3)
4-5-6Sweep L back to front (4), step L forward (5), sweep R back to front (6)
7-8Cross R over L (7), 1/8 turn R step L back (8) - 6H
[25-32] Ending of Jazz box, Shuffle, Rock Step, Side Step, Touch
1-2Step R to R side (1), cross L over R (2)
3&4Step R to R side (3), step L next to R (&), step R to R side (4)
5-6Rock L back (5), recover on R (6)
7-8Step L to L side (7), touch point R next to L (8)
TAG : after the 4th wall (ending facing 12H) :
1-2Step R to R side (1), touch L next to R (2)
3-4Step L to L side (3), touch point R next to L (4)
Ending : on the 11th wall (Start facing 6H), dance 16 counts, after the kick R, make 1/8 turn to the R to facing 12H and slide with R to R side