Easy Improver
***3 easy tags
Intro: 8 counts from start of vocals approx 7 seconds
Extended vine right, side, recover, cross shuffle
1-4.Right to right, cross left behind right, right to right, cross left over right
5-6.Rock right to right, recover on left
7&8.Cross right over left, left to left, cross right over left
Extended vine left, side rock with 1/4 turn right, shuffle forward
1-4.Left to left, cross right behind left, left to left, cross right over left
5-6.Rock left to left, recover onto right as you turn 1/4 right
7&8.Forward on left, right next to left, forward on left
Walk, walk, kick ball change, 2 x 1\4 paddle turns left
1-2.Walk forward on right, walk forward on left
3&4.Kick right forward, step on ball of right next to left, step slightly forward on left
5-6.Step forward on right, paddle 1\4 left transferring weight onto left
7-8.Step forward on right, paddle 1\4 left transferring weight onto left
Rock forward, recover, 1\2 triple turn right, rock forward, recover, coaster cross
1-2.Rock forward on right, recover onto left
3&4.Turning 1\2 right triple step - right, left, right
5-6.Rock forward on left, recover onto right
7&8.Back on left, close right next to left, cross left over right
Tag: end of walls 1, 4, 7
Side, recover, cross shuffle, side, recover, cross shuffle
1-2.Rock right to right, recover on left
3&4.Cross right over left, left to left, cross right over left
5-6.Rock left to left, recover on right
7&8.Cross left over right, right to right, cross left over right
Dance 1-4 of section 1
1-4.Extended vine right
5-6.Rock right to right, turn 1\4 left as recover onto left (12 o’clock)
7.Stomp forward on right “Taaa Daa”!
Intro: 8 counts from start of vocals approx 7 seconds
Extended vine right, side, recover, cross shuffle
1-4.Right to right, cross left behind right, right to right, cross left over right
5-6.Rock right to right, recover on left
7&8.Cross right over left, left to left, cross right over left
Extended vine left, side rock with 1/4 turn right, shuffle forward
1-4.Left to left, cross right behind left, left to left, cross right over left
5-6.Rock left to left, recover onto right as you turn 1/4 right
7&8.Forward on left, right next to left, forward on left
Walk, walk, kick ball change, 2 x 1\4 paddle turns left
1-2.Walk forward on right, walk forward on left
3&4.Kick right forward, step on ball of right next to left, step slightly forward on left
5-6.Step forward on right, paddle 1\4 left transferring weight onto left
7-8.Step forward on right, paddle 1\4 left transferring weight onto left
Rock forward, recover, 1\2 triple turn right, rock forward, recover, coaster cross
1-2.Rock forward on right, recover onto left
3&4.Turning 1\2 right triple step - right, left, right
5-6.Rock forward on left, recover onto right
7&8.Back on left, close right next to left, cross left over right
Tag: end of walls 1, 4, 7
Side, recover, cross shuffle, side, recover, cross shuffle
1-2.Rock right to right, recover on left
3&4.Cross right over left, left to left, cross right over left
5-6.Rock left to left, recover on right
7&8.Cross left over right, right to right, cross left over right
Dance 1-4 of section 1
1-4.Extended vine right
5-6.Rock right to right, turn 1\4 left as recover onto left (12 o’clock)
7.Stomp forward on right “Taaa Daa”!