High Improver
Intro- 16 counts
Dance begins with the TAG
S1 Step hitch x3, Step-heel-step-touch x2
1-2Step RF fwd, step LF a bit fwd & hitch RF
&3&4Step RF fwd, step LF a bit fwd & hitch RF, step RF fwd, step LF a bit fwd & hitch RF
&5&6Step back on RF, place L heel fwd, step down on LF, touch RF next to LF
&7&8Step back on RF, place L heel fwd, step down on LF, touch RF next to LF
S2 Step RF forward, pivot 1/2, walk-walk, hip bump-step, Rock, recover
1-2Step RF fwd, pivot ½ over L shoulder (6:00)
3-4Step RF fwd, step LF fwd
5&6On toes of RF bump hips R, bump hips L, step down on RF
7-8Rock fwd on LF, recover on RF
*Walls 1, 4, 7, & 8: Change counts 3-4 to jump fwd, jump fwd
(Walls 1, 4, and 7 directly follow the TAG. Wall 8 is the last wall.)
S3 Shuffle ½ turn, step ¼ turn L, ½ turn over L, step-point, step-point
1&2Make ½ turn over L shoulder and step fwd with LF (12:00), step RF next to LF, step LF fwd
3-4Step RF ¼ over L shoulder feet apart (9:00), LF ½ turn over L shoulder with feet apart (3:00)
5-6Step RF fwd, point LF to L
7-8Step LF fwd, point RF to R
*Walls 1, 4, 7, & 8: change counts 3-4 to jump ½ turn over L shoulder, jump ¼ turn over L shoulder.
(Walls 1, 4, and 7 directly follow the TAG. Wall 8 is the last wall.)
S4 Jump back shake, jump forward shake, jump back ¼ turn R shake, jump forward shake
&1-2Step RF back & begin hip roll L to R, close LF next to RF & finish hip roll L to R, hip roll L to R
&3-4Step RF fwd & begin hip roll L to R, close LF next to RF & finish hip roll L to R, hip roll L to R
&5-6Step RF back and make ¼ over R shoulder & begin hip roll L to R, close LF next to RF & finish hip roll, hip roll L to R
&7-8Step RF back & begin hip roll L to R, close LF next to RF & finish hip roll L to R, hip roll L to R
TAG: Cross, full unwind, jump apart, jump together, walk ¾ turn over R shoulder
1Cross touch LF behind RF
2-6Full turn unwind (LF ends up in front/across RF) (12:00)
7-8Jump feet shoulder width apart, jump feet together
1-4Walk around stepping R, L, R, L while making a ¾ turn over R shoulder (9:00)
*TAG happens at the start of the dance, and then after 16 counts of walls 3 & 6
**Pattern: TAG, 32, 32, 16, TAG, 32, 32, 16, TAG, 32, 32
YouTube: PHX Dance with Candace
Facebook: PHX Dance
Instagram: @phxlivedance
Dance begins with the TAG
S1 Step hitch x3, Step-heel-step-touch x2
1-2Step RF fwd, step LF a bit fwd & hitch RF
&3&4Step RF fwd, step LF a bit fwd & hitch RF, step RF fwd, step LF a bit fwd & hitch RF
&5&6Step back on RF, place L heel fwd, step down on LF, touch RF next to LF
&7&8Step back on RF, place L heel fwd, step down on LF, touch RF next to LF
S2 Step RF forward, pivot 1/2, walk-walk, hip bump-step, Rock, recover
1-2Step RF fwd, pivot ½ over L shoulder (6:00)
3-4Step RF fwd, step LF fwd
5&6On toes of RF bump hips R, bump hips L, step down on RF
7-8Rock fwd on LF, recover on RF
*Walls 1, 4, 7, & 8: Change counts 3-4 to jump fwd, jump fwd
(Walls 1, 4, and 7 directly follow the TAG. Wall 8 is the last wall.)
S3 Shuffle ½ turn, step ¼ turn L, ½ turn over L, step-point, step-point
1&2Make ½ turn over L shoulder and step fwd with LF (12:00), step RF next to LF, step LF fwd
3-4Step RF ¼ over L shoulder feet apart (9:00), LF ½ turn over L shoulder with feet apart (3:00)
5-6Step RF fwd, point LF to L
7-8Step LF fwd, point RF to R
*Walls 1, 4, 7, & 8: change counts 3-4 to jump ½ turn over L shoulder, jump ¼ turn over L shoulder.
(Walls 1, 4, and 7 directly follow the TAG. Wall 8 is the last wall.)
S4 Jump back shake, jump forward shake, jump back ¼ turn R shake, jump forward shake
&1-2Step RF back & begin hip roll L to R, close LF next to RF & finish hip roll L to R, hip roll L to R
&3-4Step RF fwd & begin hip roll L to R, close LF next to RF & finish hip roll L to R, hip roll L to R
&5-6Step RF back and make ¼ over R shoulder & begin hip roll L to R, close LF next to RF & finish hip roll, hip roll L to R
&7-8Step RF back & begin hip roll L to R, close LF next to RF & finish hip roll L to R, hip roll L to R
TAG: Cross, full unwind, jump apart, jump together, walk ¾ turn over R shoulder
1Cross touch LF behind RF
2-6Full turn unwind (LF ends up in front/across RF) (12:00)
7-8Jump feet shoulder width apart, jump feet together
1-4Walk around stepping R, L, R, L while making a ¾ turn over R shoulder (9:00)
*TAG happens at the start of the dance, and then after 16 counts of walls 3 & 6
**Pattern: TAG, 32, 32, 16, TAG, 32, 32, 16, TAG, 32, 32
YouTube: PHX Dance with Candace
Facebook: PHX Dance
Instagram: @phxlivedance