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Where The Wild Things Are

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Trent Duncan (AUS) & Narelle Duncan (AUS) - May 2023
Where the Wild Things Are - Luke Combs
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** 16 Count Intro from Beginning of Music

Step Fwd Touch Behind, Step Back Sweep ¼, Sailor Step, Cross ¼ Side
1-2Step Fwd R, Touch L toe Behind R foot
3-4Step Back L, Sweep foot R around whilst turning ¼ R (3:00)
5&6R Sailor Step - Step R behind L, Step L to L Side, Step R to R side
7-8Step L across in front of R, ¼ Turn L Step R Back (12:00)

¼ Side Shuffle, Step Fwd Touch Behind, Step Back Sweep ¼, Sailor Step
1&2Turning ¼ Turn L Shuffle LRL to L side (9:00)
3-4Step Fwd R, Touch L toe Behind R foot
5-6Step Back L, Sweep foot R around whilst turning ¼ R (12:00)
7&8R Sailor Step - Step R behind L, Step L to L Side, Step R to R side

Cross ¼ Side, ¼ Side Shuffle, R Dorothy Step, L Dorothy Step
1-2Step L across in front of R, ¼ L Step R Back (9:00)
3&4Turning ¼ Turn L Shuffle LRL to L side (6:00)
5-6&R Dorothy - Step R fwd, Lock Step L behind R, Step R Beside L
7-8&L Dorothy - Step L fwd, Lock Step R behind L, Step L Beside R

Fwd Rock, ½ Shuffle, Samba Step, Samba Step
1-2Step R fwd, Rock back onto L
3&4Turning ½ over R shoulder Shuffle RLR back (12:00)
5&6L Samba - Step L across in front of R, Step R to R Side, Step L to L side
7&8R Samba - Step R across in front of L, Step L to L side, Step R to R side

Across Side, Side, Cross Shuffle, Side Hold, Ball Change, Side Rock
1-2&Step L across in front of R, Step R Back, Step L to L Side
3&4Cross Shuffle R to L Side - Step R across L, Step L to L Side, Step R across L
5-6Step L to L Side, Hold
&7-8Step R beside L, Step L to L Side, Rock replace weight to R

Ball Change, Side Drag, Sailor Step, Sailor Step, ¾ Unwind
&1-2Step L beside R, Step R to R side, Drag L towards R
3&4L Sailor Step - Step L behind R, Step R to R side, Step L to L side
5&6R Sailor Step - Step R behind L, Step L to L side, Step R to R side
7-8Touch L toe behind R foot, Unwind ¾ turn L weight to L (3:00)

½ Shuffle, ½ Shuffle, Side Drag, Behind side ¼ turn fwd
1&2Turning ½ L Shuffle Fwd RLR (9:00)
3&4Turning ½ L Shuffle Back LRL (3:00)
5-6Step R to R side, Drag L towards R
7&8Step L behind R, Step R to R side, ¼ turn R step L fwd (6:00)
** Restart Here - W3 & W5

Mambo Fwd, Walk Back Back, Coaster Step, Walk Fwd Fwd
1&2R Mambo Fwd - Step R Fwd, Rock Weight onto L, Step Back R
3-4Step Back L, Step back R
5&6L Coaster Step - Step L Back, Step R Beside L, Step L fwd
7-8Walk Fwd R, Walk Fwd L

Restart On Wall 3, Restart on Wall 5 both times facing the 6:00 wall to start again.

Enjoy the Music and the dancing😛

Trent Duncan:
Narelle Duncan:

2 评论

Waylon August 24, 2023
Nice choreography, great music 🎶

trentduncan August 25, 2023
Thank you, we are very proud of this dance.

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