CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Samba and Sweep

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Rob Fowler (ES) - April 2023
All Eyes On Me - Skinny Beats
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Intro: 16 counts (approx. 8s)

S1: R Mambo Fwd, L Mambo Back, R Side Mambo, L Side Mambo
1&2Rock forward on R, recover on L, step R next to L
3&4Rock back on L, recover on R, step L next to R
5&6Rock R out to R side, recover on L, step R next to L
7&8Rock L out to L side, recover on R, step L next to R [12:00]

S2: R Side, Together, R Chasse, Heel Twists
1,2Step R to R side, step L next to R
3&4Step R to R side, step L next to R, step R to R side
5,6Twist both heels R, twist both heels L
7&8Twist both heels R, L, R (weight ends on L) [12:00]
*BRIDGE: See note below about BRIDGE here during Walls 2, 4 and 6.

S3: R Cross Samba, Cross L, Sweep ¼ L, R Chasse, L Cross Rock, Recover, Side L
1&2Cross step R over L, rock L out to L side, recover on R
3,4Cross step L over R, sweep R around making ¼ turn L (keep weight on L) [9:00]
5&6Step R to R side, step L next to R, step R to R side
7&8Cross rock L over R, recover on R, step L to L side

S4: R Cross Samba, L Cross Samba, Step R, Pivot ½ L, Step R, ¼ L With Flick
1&2Cross step R over L, rock L out to L side, recover on R
3&4Cross step L over R, rock R out to R side, recover on L
5,6Step forward on R, make ½ turn L (weight on L) [3:00]
7,8Step forward on R, make ¼ turn L stepping L next to R and flicking R to R side [12:00]

S5: Diamond ¾ R
1&2Cross step R over L, step L to L side, make 1/8 turn R stepping back on R [1:30]
3&4Step back on L, step R to R side, make ¼ turn R stepping forward on L [4:30]
5&6Step forward on R, make 1/8 turn R stepping L to L side, make 1/8 turn R stepping back on R [7:30]
7&8Step back on L, make 1/8 turn R stepping R to R side, step forward on L [9:00]

S6: R Side Mambo, L Side Mambo, R Brush Out-Out, Roll Hips
1&2Rock R out to R side, recover on L, step R next to L
3&4Rock L out to L side, recover on R, step L next to R
5&6Brush R forward, step R out to R side, step L out to L side (shoulder-width apart)
7,8Roll hips full turn anti-clockwise (weight ends on L) [9:00]

S7: Cross Rock, Side Rock, R Sailor, Cross Rock, Side Rock, L Sailor
1&2&Cross rock R over L, recover on L, rock R out to R side, recover on L
3&4Step R behind L, step L to L side, step R to R side
5&6&Cross rock L over R, recover on R, rock L out to L side, recover on R
7&8Step L behind R, step R to R side, step L to L side [9:00]
RESTART: During WALL 2 restart here (facing 6:00)

S8: Step R, Pivot ¼ L, Step R, Pivot ¼ L, R Jazz Box Forward
1,2Step forward on R, make ¼ turn L (weight on L) [6:00]
3,4Step forward on R, make ¼ turn L (weight on L) [3:00]
5,6,7,8Cross step R over L, step back on L, step R to R side, step forward on L

Start Over

*BRIDGE: During WALL 2 (facing 3:00), WALL 4 (facing 9:00) and WALL 6 (facing 9:00) please add the following 4-count bridge at the end of S2, then CONTINUE the dance from S3:
Step R, Pivot ½ L, Walk R, Walk L
1,2,3,4Step forward on R, make ½ turn L (weight on L), walk forward R, walk forward L

RESTART: During WALL 2, dance up to and including count 8 of Section 7, then RESTART the dance facing 6:00.

Wall 1 Full wall
Wall 2 BRIDGE after S2 (facing 3:00) and RESTART after S7 (facing 6:00)
Wall 3 Full wall
Wall 4 BRIDGE after S2 (facing 9:00)
Wall 5 Full wall
Wall 6 BRIDGE after S2 (facing 9:00)

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