CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Phrased Intermediate
Jasmine Wang (MY), Christine Chiam (MY) & Jen Lim (MY) - April 2023
Flowers - Miley Cyrus
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Sequence: A, B, C, A, B, C, C, A- (16 cts), Tag, B, B*, C, C
Intro: Dance starts with Right foot on lyric "Good"

Part A (52 counts)
Section 1 Ball Step, Walk Walk, Point Toe Out (X2)
& 1, 2, 3, 4Ball on R, step L forward, step R forward, point L toe to side, hold
& 5, 6, 7, 8Ball on L, step R forward, step L forward, point R toe to side, hold

Section 2 Rocking Chair, Jazz Box 1/4 Right Turn
1, 2, 3, 4Step R forward, recover on L, step R back, recover on L
5, 6, 7, 8Cross R over L, recover on L, step R to side turning 1/4 right (3 o'clock), cross L over R

Section 3 Reverse Shuffle, Forward Shuffle, Rock Recover, Coaster Step
1 & 2Step R back turning 1/4 left (12 o'clock), bring L close to R, step R back
3 & 4Step L forward turning 1/2 left (6 o'clock), bring R close to L, step L forward
5, 6Rock R forward, recover on L
7 & 8Step R back, step L together with R, step R forward

Section 4 Step and Touch (X4)
1, 2Step L forward diagonally, touch R toe next to L
3, 4Step R back diagonally, touch L toe next to R
5, 6Step L to side turning 1/4 left (3 o'clock), touch R toe next to L
7, 8Step R to side, touch L toe next to R

Section 5 Step Lock, Step Lock Step, Rock Recover, Coaster Step
1, 2, 3 & 4Step L forward, lock R behind L, step L forward, lock R behind L, step L forward
5, 6, 7 & 8Rock R forward, recover on L, step R back, step L together with R, step R forward

Section 6 Kick And Point, Sailor 1/2 Turn Right, Forward Shuffle, Unwind Turn
1 & 2Kick L forward and step, point R toe to side
3 & 4Step R behind L, step L beside turning 1/4 right, step R forward turning 1/4 right (9 o'clock)
5 & 6Step L forward, bring R close to L, step L forward
7, 8Cross R over L unwind 3/4 left (12 o'clock) weight on L

Section 7 Out Out In In (**)
1, 2, 3, 4Step R out, step L out, step R in, step L in

A- Dance Sections 1 and 2 - 16 counts (end with Jazz Box at 12 o'clock)
Tag Follow steps in Part A Section 7 (**)

Part B (52 counts)
Section 1 Kick And Point (X2), Rocking Chair
1 & 2, 3 & 4Kick R forward and step, point L toe to side, kick L forward and step, point R toe to side
5, 6, 7, 8Step R forward, recover on L, step R back, recover on L

Section 2 Step And Touch Back (X2), Rolling Vine
1, 2Step R to right, cross and touch L toe behind R
3, 4Step L to left, cross and touch R toe behind L
5, 6, 7, 8Step R turning 1/4 right, step L turning 1/2 right, step R turning 1/4 right, touch L toe beside R

Section 3 Step And Touch Back (X2), Rolling Vine
1, 2Step L to left, cross and touch R toe behind L
3, 4Step R to right, cross and touch L toe behind R
5, 6, 7, 8Step L turning 1/4 left, step R turning 1/2 left, step L turning 1/4 left, touch R toe beside L

Section 4 Hips Bumps (X2), Pivot Half Turn, Full Rolling Turn
1 & 2Touch R forward bumping hips right, return hips to center, step R forward bumping hips right
3 & 4Touch L forward bumping hips left, return hips to center, step L forward bumping hips left
5, 6Step R forward, turn half to the left (6 o'clock) transferring weight to L
7, 8Step R turning half left, step L turning half left

Section 5 Forward Shuffle (X2), Pivot Half Turn With Kick, Coaster Step
1 & 2Step R diagonally forward, bring L close behind R, step R diagonally forward
3 & 4Step L diagonally forward, bring R close behind L, step L diagonally forward
5, 6Step R forward (square to 6 o'clock), weight still on R, turn 1/2 to the left (12 o'clock) and kick L out
7 & 8Step L back, step R together with L, step L forward

Section 6 Step Touch With Hips Roll (X2), Forward Shuffle (X2)
1, 2Step R to side rolling hips counter clockwise, touch L toe to left
3, 4Step L to side rolling hips clockwise, touch R toe to right
5 & 6Step R diagonally forward, bring L close behind R, step R diagonally forward
7 & 8Step L diagonally forward, bring R close behind L, step L diagonally forward

Section 7 Rocking Chair
1, 2, 3, 4Step R forward, recover on L (square back to 12 o'clock), step R back, recover on L
B* Repeat Section 6 count 5 to 8, and Section 7

Part C (16 counts)
Section 1 Skate (X2), Forward Shuffle (X2)
1, 2, 3 & 4Skate R diagonally (1.30), skate L diagonally (10.30), step R diagonally (1.30), step L close behind R, step R forward diagonally
5, 6, 7 & 8Skate L diagonally (10.30), skate R diagonally (1.30), step L diagonally (10.30), step R close behind L, step L forward diagonally

Section 2 Cross Samba (X2), Pivot Half (X2)
1 & 2Cross R over L, step L to left, step R on right,
3 & 4Cross L over R, step R to right, step L on left
5, 6Step R forward (12 o'clock), step L turning 1/2 left (6 o'clock)
7, 8Step R forward (6 o'clock), step L turning 1/2 left (12 o'clock)


1 评论

Alice Tan May 1, 2023

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