Tag: end of section 7 (56 counts) wall 2 facing front, / Restart wall 5 restart facing back wall
Sec 1 - 3x Walks fwd, Kick. Back touch , back touch
1234Step fwd on R, Step fwd on L, Step fwd on R , Kick L foot fwd
5678step back L ,touch R next to L (clap) , step back R touch L next to R (clap)
Sec2 - 2x jazz jumps (or side touches) .grapevine ¼ turn L brush R
&1 2 & 3 4step L to L side (&) , touch R next to L (1) hold (2) , step R to R side(&) touch L next to R (3) hold (4).
5678,step L to L side , step R behind L , step L to L side turning ¼ turn L brush R forward 9.00
Sec 3 - R lock step fwd brush L .step ¼ turn R cross hold
1234step fwd on R, lock/step L behind R step fwd R brush L
5678step fwd L pivot ¼ turn taking weight R cross L over R hold
Sec 4 - Quarter turn Left x 2 cross , Left coaster step hold
1234quarter turn L stepping back on R, quarter turn L stepping L to L side, cross R over L hold
5678step back on L. step R beside L, step L beside R hold
(restart here wall 5 facing back wall)
Sec 5 - Monterey ¼ turn R, point out , fwd , out , hook
1234touch R out to R side, make ¼ turn R stepping R next to L, touch L out to L side , step L next to R
5678point R toe to R side , point R toe fwd, point R toe to R side , hook R behind L
Sec 6 - grapevine ¼ turn R hold , chase ½ turn R hold
1234step R to R side , step L behind R, making ¼ R stepping R fwd, hold
5678step fwd on L make ½ turn R (weight on R) step fwd L, hold
Sec 7 - rock recover behind ,rock recover behind, side cross
1234rock R to R side ,recover on to L , step R behind , rock L to L side,
5678recover on to R, step L behind R, step R to R side, cross L over R
(4 count tag wall 2 , side touches x2 step R touch L next to R, step L touch R next to L)then restart
Sec 8 - Right Rumba box back & forward
1234step R to R side, step L next to R, step back on R , touch L next to R
5678step L to L side, step R next to L, step fwd on L, brush R foot fwd ,
(start again) thanks to Gary Leonard for sending me the track
Last Update: 27 Apr 2023
Sec 1 - 3x Walks fwd, Kick. Back touch , back touch
1234Step fwd on R, Step fwd on L, Step fwd on R , Kick L foot fwd
5678step back L ,touch R next to L (clap) , step back R touch L next to R (clap)
Sec2 - 2x jazz jumps (or side touches) .grapevine ¼ turn L brush R
&1 2 & 3 4step L to L side (&) , touch R next to L (1) hold (2) , step R to R side(&) touch L next to R (3) hold (4).
5678,step L to L side , step R behind L , step L to L side turning ¼ turn L brush R forward 9.00
Sec 3 - R lock step fwd brush L .step ¼ turn R cross hold
1234step fwd on R, lock/step L behind R step fwd R brush L
5678step fwd L pivot ¼ turn taking weight R cross L over R hold
Sec 4 - Quarter turn Left x 2 cross , Left coaster step hold
1234quarter turn L stepping back on R, quarter turn L stepping L to L side, cross R over L hold
5678step back on L. step R beside L, step L beside R hold
(restart here wall 5 facing back wall)
Sec 5 - Monterey ¼ turn R, point out , fwd , out , hook
1234touch R out to R side, make ¼ turn R stepping R next to L, touch L out to L side , step L next to R
5678point R toe to R side , point R toe fwd, point R toe to R side , hook R behind L
Sec 6 - grapevine ¼ turn R hold , chase ½ turn R hold
1234step R to R side , step L behind R, making ¼ R stepping R fwd, hold
5678step fwd on L make ½ turn R (weight on R) step fwd L, hold
Sec 7 - rock recover behind ,rock recover behind, side cross
1234rock R to R side ,recover on to L , step R behind , rock L to L side,
5678recover on to R, step L behind R, step R to R side, cross L over R
(4 count tag wall 2 , side touches x2 step R touch L next to R, step L touch R next to L)then restart
Sec 8 - Right Rumba box back & forward
1234step R to R side, step L next to R, step back on R , touch L next to R
5678step L to L side, step R next to L, step fwd on L, brush R foot fwd ,
(start again) thanks to Gary Leonard for sending me the track
Last Update: 27 Apr 2023