Intro : 32 counts No tag, no restart
S.1 Sway x 3 touch R and L
1-2Step R side sway, sway L
3-4Sway R, touch L toe
5-6Step L Side sway, sway R
7-8Sway L, touch R toe
S. 2 Step Point Step Point Jazz box ¼ cross
1 -2Step R forward, Point L
3-4Step L forward, Point R
5 -6Cross R over L, ¼ turn R step L back (3h)
7-8Step R side, step L cross
S. 3 Right vine toe touh step L FWD touch R back R touch L
1 -2Step R side, cross L behind R
3-4Step R side, touch L toe beside R
5 -6Step L forward, touch R toe behind L
7-8Step R back, touch L toe beside R
S. 4 Left vine touch Jump touch hold Jump touch hold
1-2Step L side, cross R behind L
3-4Step L side, touch R toe beside L
&5-6Jump R, touch toe L, hold
&7-8Jump L, touch to R, hold
S.1 Sway x 3 touch R and L
1-2Step R side sway, sway L
3-4Sway R, touch L toe
5-6Step L Side sway, sway R
7-8Sway L, touch R toe
S. 2 Step Point Step Point Jazz box ¼ cross
1 -2Step R forward, Point L
3-4Step L forward, Point R
5 -6Cross R over L, ¼ turn R step L back (3h)
7-8Step R side, step L cross
S. 3 Right vine toe touh step L FWD touch R back R touch L
1 -2Step R side, cross L behind R
3-4Step R side, touch L toe beside R
5 -6Step L forward, touch R toe behind L
7-8Step R back, touch L toe beside R
S. 4 Left vine touch Jump touch hold Jump touch hold
1-2Step L side, cross R behind L
3-4Step L side, touch R toe beside L
&5-6Jump R, touch toe L, hold
&7-8Jump L, touch to R, hold