CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Just Take It Slow

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Candace Jajo-Burns (USA) - April 2023
Take It Slow - Conner Smith
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Intro – 16 counts

S1 Step forward, Sweep, Cross, Step back, ½ turn, rock/recover, ½ turn shuffle
&1-2Step LF forward with a slight bend in L knee, sweep RF from back to front, cross RF over LF with slight bend in both knees
3-4Step LF back & straighten both legs, make half turn over R shoulder with RF (facing 6:00)
5-6Rock forward on LF, recover on RF
7&8Make ½ turn over LF shoulder with LF (facing 12:00), close RF next to LF, step LF forward

S2 Kick with a point, Cross, Sway-Sway, Side Shuffle, ¼ turn R coaster
1-2Lift onto ball of LF & ‘kick’ RF forward with pointed toes, step down on LF & cross RF over LF
3-4Step LF next to RF and as you do sway hips left, sway hips right (weight is on RF)
5&6Step LF to L, close RF next to LF, step LF to L
7&8Step RF back making a ¼ over right shoulder (facing 3:00), step LF next to RF, step RF forward

S3 Shuffle forward, rock/recover, step back/hold, step back/hold
1&2Step LF forward, close RF next to L, step LF forward
3-4Rock forward on RF, recover on LF
5-6Step RF behind LF, hold
7-8Step LF behind RF, hold

S4 R Coaster, ¼ turn side shuffle, cross rock/recover, ¼ turn shuffle forward
1&2Step RF back, close LF next to RF, step RF forward
3&4Step LF to L making a ¼ over L shoulder (facing 6:00), close RF next to LF, step LF to L
5-6Rock on RF as you cross in front of LF, recover on LF
7&8Step RF ¼ turn over R shoulder (facing 9:00), close LF next to RF, step RF forward

Finish dance with counts &1-2 in Section 1. Fully stand on count 3. End of dance.

YouTube: PHX Dance with Candace
Facebook: PHX Dance
Instagram: @phxlivedance

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