Intro: 24 Counts (On The word Sun) *1 Easy Restart wall 4*.
S1. Step Fwd (L). Sweep (R). Twinkle 1/8 turn (R)
1-3Step Fwd. on Left, Sweep right fwd. over 2 counts.
4-6Step right across left, Rock left to left, Recover on right. (1:30)
S2. Fwd. Left Diagonal, Hitch (R) Hold, Back R +L+R
1-3Step Fwd. Left diagonal, Hitch Right, Hold.
4-6Step back R+L+R (1:30)
S3. (L) Step Back, hock Right in Front over 2 counts. Step Fwd.(R) Sweep (L)
1-3Step back on left, Hook right up in front of left over 2 counts.
4-6Step Fwd. on right, Sweep left fwd. over 2 count (1:30).
S4. Left Twinkle. Right Twinkle ½ Turn Right (R).
1-3Step Left across right, Rock right to right, recover on left. (1.30)
4-6Step R across L, Turn ¼ right stepping L back, Turn ¼ R stepping R to R (7.30)
*Restart here on the 4 Wall*
S5. Fwd. Low kick over 2 counts, Back Point, Hold
1-3Step fwd on left diagonal, kick right low fwd. over 2 counts
4-6Step back on right, point left to left and hold on 6. (7:30)
S6. sailor, Back point hold.
1-3Cross left behind right, step right to right, step left to left
4-6Step back on right, point left to left side and hold on 6. (7:30)
S7. Sailor, Back Hook Over 2 Counts (L)
1-3Cross left behind right, step right to right side, step left to left (7:30)
4-6Turn 1/8 Left and Step back on right, Hook left in front over 2 counts. (6:00)
S8. Fwd. Full Turn Waltz Step
1-3Step left forward, turn ¼ left and step right together, turn ¼ left and step left together
4-6Step right back, turn ¼ left and step left together, turn ¼ left and step right together (6:00).
( Easier Option 2 X Fwd. Basic Waltz Steps).
Have Fun and N’Joy this beautiful Song
Thank You Shelby Lee Lowe <3 This song is fabulous. I just L O V E it.
Contact: dobiedeb@hotmail.com
Last Update: 14 Mar 2023
S1. Step Fwd (L). Sweep (R). Twinkle 1/8 turn (R)
1-3Step Fwd. on Left, Sweep right fwd. over 2 counts.
4-6Step right across left, Rock left to left, Recover on right. (1:30)
S2. Fwd. Left Diagonal, Hitch (R) Hold, Back R +L+R
1-3Step Fwd. Left diagonal, Hitch Right, Hold.
4-6Step back R+L+R (1:30)
S3. (L) Step Back, hock Right in Front over 2 counts. Step Fwd.(R) Sweep (L)
1-3Step back on left, Hook right up in front of left over 2 counts.
4-6Step Fwd. on right, Sweep left fwd. over 2 count (1:30).
S4. Left Twinkle. Right Twinkle ½ Turn Right (R).
1-3Step Left across right, Rock right to right, recover on left. (1.30)
4-6Step R across L, Turn ¼ right stepping L back, Turn ¼ R stepping R to R (7.30)
*Restart here on the 4 Wall*
S5. Fwd. Low kick over 2 counts, Back Point, Hold
1-3Step fwd on left diagonal, kick right low fwd. over 2 counts
4-6Step back on right, point left to left and hold on 6. (7:30)
S6. sailor, Back point hold.
1-3Cross left behind right, step right to right, step left to left
4-6Step back on right, point left to left side and hold on 6. (7:30)
S7. Sailor, Back Hook Over 2 Counts (L)
1-3Cross left behind right, step right to right side, step left to left (7:30)
4-6Turn 1/8 Left and Step back on right, Hook left in front over 2 counts. (6:00)
S8. Fwd. Full Turn Waltz Step
1-3Step left forward, turn ¼ left and step right together, turn ¼ left and step left together
4-6Step right back, turn ¼ left and step left together, turn ¼ left and step right together (6:00).
( Easier Option 2 X Fwd. Basic Waltz Steps).
Have Fun and N’Joy this beautiful Song
Thank You Shelby Lee Lowe <3 This song is fabulous. I just L O V E it.
Contact: dobiedeb@hotmail.com
Last Update: 14 Mar 2023