Intro: 32 counts
Side cross side kick to left diagonal, side cross side kick to right diagonal
1234Step R to side, cross L over R, step R to side, kick L to left diagonal
5678Step L to side, cross R over L, step L to side, kick R to right diagonal (12.00)
Jump R back diagonal, step L ball change to R, Jump L back diagonal, step R ball change to L, Boogie walk x 4
&1 2Jump R back diagonal, step L together with ball of foot, step R with L knee bend, Right palm face out at eye level with second and middle finger across
&3 4Jump L back diagonal, step R together with ball of foot, step L with R knee bend, Left palm face out at eye level with second and middle finger across
5Step R ball of foot fwd with heel in toe out
6Step L ball of foot fwd with heel in toe out
7Step R ball of foot fwd with heel in toe out
8Step L ball of foot fwd with heel in toe out (12.00)
Rocking Chair, Jazz box ¼ cross
1234Rock R fwd, recover L, rock R back, recover L
5678Cross R over L, step L back, turn ¼ right step R, cross L over R (3.00)
Vine R touch, rolling vine L touch
1234Step R to side, step L behind, step R to side, touch L beside R
5678Step L ¼ left, R back ½ left, step L ¼ left side, touch R beside L
Tag: At the end of
Wall 2 (start facing 3:00, tag facing 6:00)
Wall 4 (start facing 9:00, tag facing 12:00)
Add the following 8 counts(Rumba Box)
1234Step R to side, step L together, step R fwd, touch L next to R
5678Step L to side, step R together, step L back, touch R next to L
Ending: Dance 16 counts of the last sequence at the back ½ pivot to front
Have Fun! Enjoy!
Contact: williewkyeung@gmail.com
Last Update: 14 Mar 2023
Side cross side kick to left diagonal, side cross side kick to right diagonal
1234Step R to side, cross L over R, step R to side, kick L to left diagonal
5678Step L to side, cross R over L, step L to side, kick R to right diagonal (12.00)
Jump R back diagonal, step L ball change to R, Jump L back diagonal, step R ball change to L, Boogie walk x 4
&1 2Jump R back diagonal, step L together with ball of foot, step R with L knee bend, Right palm face out at eye level with second and middle finger across
&3 4Jump L back diagonal, step R together with ball of foot, step L with R knee bend, Left palm face out at eye level with second and middle finger across
5Step R ball of foot fwd with heel in toe out
6Step L ball of foot fwd with heel in toe out
7Step R ball of foot fwd with heel in toe out
8Step L ball of foot fwd with heel in toe out (12.00)
Rocking Chair, Jazz box ¼ cross
1234Rock R fwd, recover L, rock R back, recover L
5678Cross R over L, step L back, turn ¼ right step R, cross L over R (3.00)
Vine R touch, rolling vine L touch
1234Step R to side, step L behind, step R to side, touch L beside R
5678Step L ¼ left, R back ½ left, step L ¼ left side, touch R beside L
Tag: At the end of
Wall 2 (start facing 3:00, tag facing 6:00)
Wall 4 (start facing 9:00, tag facing 12:00)
Add the following 8 counts(Rumba Box)
1234Step R to side, step L together, step R fwd, touch L next to R
5678Step L to side, step R together, step L back, touch R next to L
Ending: Dance 16 counts of the last sequence at the back ½ pivot to front
Have Fun! Enjoy!
Contact: williewkyeung@gmail.com
Last Update: 14 Mar 2023