Low Improver
***3 x 4C Tags (end of wall’s 2,5&7)
*1 x Restart Wall 3 16C
Dance starts approx. 12 seconds as Lyrics begin.
Section 1: Side, Rock behind, Step, ½ Pivot, Step ½ behind step ½ Fwd, Diag fwd Step tap, Diag back step tap
1,2,&3,4&R ft to R side(1), L ft rock back(2), R ft next to L(&), L step Fwd(3), R Fwd Pivot ½ (4)replacing weight on L ft (&)
5,6&7,&8,&R ft Fwd(5), L ft ½ turn behind(6), R ft Fwd(&), L ft Fwd on the diagonal(7), tap R ft next to L(&), R ft back diagonal(8), tap L ft next to R(&)
Section 2: Step Lock Step back, Coaster step, Side recover, Ball Cross, Side ½ Side
1&2,3&4L ft step back on diag(1) lock R ft(&), step L ft back (2) R ft back (3) L back together (&) R ft fwd (4)
5&6,7&8&L ft to side (5) recover weight to R (&) Cross L foot over R (6), Step R ft to R side (7), recover weight on L (&) turn R ft ½ over L shoulder (8) transfer weight to L (&)
Section 3: Walk, Walk, Mambo, step back, sweep, sweep w hitch, replace
1,2,3&4R ft walk on diag fwd 10.30 (1), L ft walk(2), R ft fwd (3), recover (weight on L) (&)step R ft back (4)
&5,6,7,8L ft next to R(&), R ft back (5), sweep L ft behind (6), sweep R ft behind and hitch L (7) replace L ft (8)
Section 4: R Fwd recover, side recover, behind, side Cross, L side recover, behind, side cross
1&2&3&4R ft step fwd, recover weight on L (1&) R ft step side, recover weight on L (2&) R ft behind (3), L ft to side (&) Cross R ft over L (4)
5,6,7&8Rock L ft to side, recover weight on R (5,6), left ft behind (7) step R ft to side (&) cross L ft over R(8)
Tags: 4C Mambo Fwd R ft, mambo back L ft. End of Wall’s 2, 5 & 7
Restart: Wall 3 is a short wall, restart the dance after the first 16C’s.
I do hope that you enjoy this new dance of mine and please, feel free to direct any feedback or questions to me anytime.
Email: hjendall@challen.com.au
Mobile: 0417 955 752
*1 x Restart Wall 3 16C
Dance starts approx. 12 seconds as Lyrics begin.
Section 1: Side, Rock behind, Step, ½ Pivot, Step ½ behind step ½ Fwd, Diag fwd Step tap, Diag back step tap
1,2,&3,4&R ft to R side(1), L ft rock back(2), R ft next to L(&), L step Fwd(3), R Fwd Pivot ½ (4)replacing weight on L ft (&)
5,6&7,&8,&R ft Fwd(5), L ft ½ turn behind(6), R ft Fwd(&), L ft Fwd on the diagonal(7), tap R ft next to L(&), R ft back diagonal(8), tap L ft next to R(&)
Section 2: Step Lock Step back, Coaster step, Side recover, Ball Cross, Side ½ Side
1&2,3&4L ft step back on diag(1) lock R ft(&), step L ft back (2) R ft back (3) L back together (&) R ft fwd (4)
5&6,7&8&L ft to side (5) recover weight to R (&) Cross L foot over R (6), Step R ft to R side (7), recover weight on L (&) turn R ft ½ over L shoulder (8) transfer weight to L (&)
Section 3: Walk, Walk, Mambo, step back, sweep, sweep w hitch, replace
1,2,3&4R ft walk on diag fwd 10.30 (1), L ft walk(2), R ft fwd (3), recover (weight on L) (&)step R ft back (4)
&5,6,7,8L ft next to R(&), R ft back (5), sweep L ft behind (6), sweep R ft behind and hitch L (7) replace L ft (8)
Section 4: R Fwd recover, side recover, behind, side Cross, L side recover, behind, side cross
1&2&3&4R ft step fwd, recover weight on L (1&) R ft step side, recover weight on L (2&) R ft behind (3), L ft to side (&) Cross R ft over L (4)
5,6,7&8Rock L ft to side, recover weight on R (5,6), left ft behind (7) step R ft to side (&) cross L ft over R(8)
Tags: 4C Mambo Fwd R ft, mambo back L ft. End of Wall’s 2, 5 & 7
Restart: Wall 3 is a short wall, restart the dance after the first 16C’s.
I do hope that you enjoy this new dance of mine and please, feel free to direct any feedback or questions to me anytime.
Email: hjendall@challen.com.au
Mobile: 0417 955 752