Intermediate / Advanced
Intro: 4 Counts Restart: Wall 3 after 16 counts (12:00)
S1 R Dorothy, L Lock steps, R Forward Rock, Shuffle ½ R
12&Step R to R diagonal, step L behind R, step R slightly forward
3&4Step L to L diagonal, step R behind L, step forward L (11:30)
56Rock forward R, recover onto L
7&8½ R stepping R forward, step L behind R, step R slightly forward (4:30)
S2 L Cross, R Back, L Chasse ¼ L, (R Pivot ½ L) X2, Clap X2
12Cross L over R, step R back (pushing hips back, squaring back to 3:00) (3:00)
3&4Step L to L side, step R beside L, ¼ L stepping L forward (12:00)
56Step forward R, pivot ½ L (6:00)
7&8Step forward R, pivot ½ L recovering on to L and clap, clap (12:00)
S3 R Scuff Out Out, Knee Pops R, L, Chasse ¼ L. R Pivot ¼ L
1&2Scuff R, step R to R side. Step L to L side
34Pop R knee in towards L, Pop L knee in towards R
5&6Step L to L side, step R beside L, ¼ L stepping L forward (9:00)
78Step forward R rolling hips counter-clockwise, ¼ L recovering onto L (6:00)
S4 R Forward Rock, Out Out In In, R Pivot ½ L, ½ L Point, Touch (Easier option: Rocking Chair)
12&3&4Rock forward R, recover onto L, step R to R side, step L to L side, step R to the center, step L next to R
5678Step forward R, pivot ½ L, ½ L point R to R side, touch R next to L
(Easier alternative for 5678: Rock forward R, recover onto L, rock back R, recover onto L)
S5 R Stomp, Hold, Cross Arms, Hold, ¼ L, Fist Punch, Hold, Fist Punch, Flick R
12Stomp R to R side bending elbows at 90 degrees to the sides with fists closed, hold
&34Cross arms in front of chest, bring elbows back to the sides (as in count 1), hold
56¼ L lean body forward and lower L arm at chest level while punching R fist above L arm, hold (3:00)
&78Pull R arm back, Punch R fist under L arm, flick R foot back
S6 R Forward, Hold, Drop, Drop, Pivot ½ L, ¼ L Out, Out, (Knee pops x2)
12&3Step forward R, hold, bend both knees, further drop body level with weight remain on R
456Pivot ½ L, ¼ L stepping R to R side, step L to L side (6:00)
&7&8Pop both knees, lower heels slapping hands on thighs, repeat Count “&7” ending weight on L
S7 Upper Body Sway RLR, Close L Kick R, R Cross Shuffle, Press L, Recover R Kick L
1234Step R to R side swaying upper body to R, sway L, sway R, step L the center while kicking R to the side
5&6Cross R over L, step L to L side, Cross R over L
78Press L to L diagonal, recover onto R kicking L forward
S8 L Behind, R Side, L Cross shuffle, R Back, Chasse L, Cross R, Unwind ½ L
1&2&34Step L behind R, step R to R side, Cross L over R, step R to R side, Cross L over R, step R back
5&678Step L to L side, step R beside L, step L to L side, cross R over L, unwind ½ L ending weight on L (12:00)
S9 Toe switches, Knee pops, Heel Switches, Hip Lift
1&2&3&4Point R to R side, step R beside L, point L to L side, step L beside R, point R to R side, pop both knees, lower heels
&5&6&7Step R beside L, touch L heel forward, step L beside R, touch R heel forward, step R beside L, touch L heel forward
&8&Push hips forward, push hips back, step L beside R
S10 Syncopated Forward Rock R L, R Pivot ½ L, ½ L, ½ L
12&34&Rock forward R, recover onto L, step R beside L, rock forward L, recover onto R, step L beside R (6:00)
5678Step forward R, pivot ½ L, ½ L stepping R back, ½ L stepping L forward (6:00)
Ending: After 32 counts in Wall 5, step R to R side and bend elbows at 90 degrees to the side with fists closed
rhoda_eddie@yahoo.ca 1(647) 295-3833 https://www.facebook.com/rhoda.lai.5/
S1 R Dorothy, L Lock steps, R Forward Rock, Shuffle ½ R
12&Step R to R diagonal, step L behind R, step R slightly forward
3&4Step L to L diagonal, step R behind L, step forward L (11:30)
56Rock forward R, recover onto L
7&8½ R stepping R forward, step L behind R, step R slightly forward (4:30)
S2 L Cross, R Back, L Chasse ¼ L, (R Pivot ½ L) X2, Clap X2
12Cross L over R, step R back (pushing hips back, squaring back to 3:00) (3:00)
3&4Step L to L side, step R beside L, ¼ L stepping L forward (12:00)
56Step forward R, pivot ½ L (6:00)
7&8Step forward R, pivot ½ L recovering on to L and clap, clap (12:00)
S3 R Scuff Out Out, Knee Pops R, L, Chasse ¼ L. R Pivot ¼ L
1&2Scuff R, step R to R side. Step L to L side
34Pop R knee in towards L, Pop L knee in towards R
5&6Step L to L side, step R beside L, ¼ L stepping L forward (9:00)
78Step forward R rolling hips counter-clockwise, ¼ L recovering onto L (6:00)
S4 R Forward Rock, Out Out In In, R Pivot ½ L, ½ L Point, Touch (Easier option: Rocking Chair)
12&3&4Rock forward R, recover onto L, step R to R side, step L to L side, step R to the center, step L next to R
5678Step forward R, pivot ½ L, ½ L point R to R side, touch R next to L
(Easier alternative for 5678: Rock forward R, recover onto L, rock back R, recover onto L)
S5 R Stomp, Hold, Cross Arms, Hold, ¼ L, Fist Punch, Hold, Fist Punch, Flick R
12Stomp R to R side bending elbows at 90 degrees to the sides with fists closed, hold
&34Cross arms in front of chest, bring elbows back to the sides (as in count 1), hold
56¼ L lean body forward and lower L arm at chest level while punching R fist above L arm, hold (3:00)
&78Pull R arm back, Punch R fist under L arm, flick R foot back
S6 R Forward, Hold, Drop, Drop, Pivot ½ L, ¼ L Out, Out, (Knee pops x2)
12&3Step forward R, hold, bend both knees, further drop body level with weight remain on R
456Pivot ½ L, ¼ L stepping R to R side, step L to L side (6:00)
&7&8Pop both knees, lower heels slapping hands on thighs, repeat Count “&7” ending weight on L
S7 Upper Body Sway RLR, Close L Kick R, R Cross Shuffle, Press L, Recover R Kick L
1234Step R to R side swaying upper body to R, sway L, sway R, step L the center while kicking R to the side
5&6Cross R over L, step L to L side, Cross R over L
78Press L to L diagonal, recover onto R kicking L forward
S8 L Behind, R Side, L Cross shuffle, R Back, Chasse L, Cross R, Unwind ½ L
1&2&34Step L behind R, step R to R side, Cross L over R, step R to R side, Cross L over R, step R back
5&678Step L to L side, step R beside L, step L to L side, cross R over L, unwind ½ L ending weight on L (12:00)
S9 Toe switches, Knee pops, Heel Switches, Hip Lift
1&2&3&4Point R to R side, step R beside L, point L to L side, step L beside R, point R to R side, pop both knees, lower heels
&5&6&7Step R beside L, touch L heel forward, step L beside R, touch R heel forward, step R beside L, touch L heel forward
&8&Push hips forward, push hips back, step L beside R
S10 Syncopated Forward Rock R L, R Pivot ½ L, ½ L, ½ L
12&34&Rock forward R, recover onto L, step R beside L, rock forward L, recover onto R, step L beside R (6:00)
5678Step forward R, pivot ½ L, ½ L stepping R back, ½ L stepping L forward (6:00)
Ending: After 32 counts in Wall 5, step R to R side and bend elbows at 90 degrees to the side with fists closed
rhoda_eddie@yahoo.ca 1(647) 295-3833 https://www.facebook.com/rhoda.lai.5/