Intro: 32 counts
[1-8]: Weave Left, Cross Rock/Recover, Triple Step Right
1-4Cross R over L, Step L to side, Cross R behind L, Step L to side
5-6Rock R over L, Recover weight on L
7&8Triple to the right R-L-R
[9-16]: Weave Right ¼ Turn, Pivot ½ Turn, Triple Step Forward
1-4Cross L over R, Step R to side, Cross L behind R, Step R forward turning ¼ right [3:00]
5-6Step forward on L, Pivot ½ turn over right shoulder [9:00]
7-8&Triple forward L-R-L
*** Restart Wall 3(start wall 3 facing 6:00 - restart the dance facing 3:00) ***
[17-24]: Rock Forward/Recover, Step Together, Heel Splits, Rock Forward/Recover, Step Together, Heel Spilts
1-2Rock forward on R, Recover weight on L
3&4Step R next to L, Swivel both heels out, Swivel both heels back to center
5-6Rock forward on L, Recover weight on R
7&8Step L next to R, Swivel both heels out, Swivel both heels back to center
[25-32]: Rock Forward/Recover, Coaster Step, Rock Forward/Recover, Touch ½ Unwind
1-2Rock forward on right, Recover weight on L
3&4Step back on R, Step L next to R, Step R forward
5-6Rock forward on left, Recover weight on R
7-8Touch L slightly behind R, Unwind turning ½ left shifting weight to L [3:00]
***Restart: Wall 3 starts facing [6:00]. Dance 16 counts then restart the dance facing [3:00]***
One easy restart - Enjoy
Betty Moses - dorbmoses@msn.com
Last Update: 6 Mar 2023
[1-8]: Weave Left, Cross Rock/Recover, Triple Step Right
1-4Cross R over L, Step L to side, Cross R behind L, Step L to side
5-6Rock R over L, Recover weight on L
7&8Triple to the right R-L-R
[9-16]: Weave Right ¼ Turn, Pivot ½ Turn, Triple Step Forward
1-4Cross L over R, Step R to side, Cross L behind R, Step R forward turning ¼ right [3:00]
5-6Step forward on L, Pivot ½ turn over right shoulder [9:00]
7-8&Triple forward L-R-L
*** Restart Wall 3(start wall 3 facing 6:00 - restart the dance facing 3:00) ***
[17-24]: Rock Forward/Recover, Step Together, Heel Splits, Rock Forward/Recover, Step Together, Heel Spilts
1-2Rock forward on R, Recover weight on L
3&4Step R next to L, Swivel both heels out, Swivel both heels back to center
5-6Rock forward on L, Recover weight on R
7&8Step L next to R, Swivel both heels out, Swivel both heels back to center
[25-32]: Rock Forward/Recover, Coaster Step, Rock Forward/Recover, Touch ½ Unwind
1-2Rock forward on right, Recover weight on L
3&4Step back on R, Step L next to R, Step R forward
5-6Rock forward on left, Recover weight on R
7-8Touch L slightly behind R, Unwind turning ½ left shifting weight to L [3:00]
***Restart: Wall 3 starts facing [6:00]. Dance 16 counts then restart the dance facing [3:00]***
One easy restart - Enjoy
Betty Moses - dorbmoses@msn.com
Last Update: 6 Mar 2023