Beginner / Improver
#16 count intro - No tags or restarts
Touch R heel Fwd, Touch R Heel Side, Sailor with ¼ R- L heel fwd, L heel side, L sailor with ¼ turn L
1,2,3&,4Touch R heel fwd R heel to side., Step R behind left, left back ¼ turn,R ft fwd
5,6,7&,8.Touch L heel fwd, L heel to side, L behind R, R back ¼ turn L – L fwd
R Lock step & L lock step - step ½,L, ½ turning shuffle
1, & 2,3, & 4,R fwd, lock L behind, step R fwd. – L fwd, lock R, step L fwd
5,6,7& ,8R fwd,pivot ½ turn L, half turn shuffle R.L.R.
Back sweeps, L Coaster cross Side Rock & cross x 2
1,2,3 &,4Sweep L back, sweep R back. L back, R nxt to L. L across right
5,&6,7&,8Rock R to R side, cross over L – Rock L to L side, cross over R
Jazz Box ¼ R x 2
1,2,3.4,Cross R over L, step L back, R ft 14 turn R, left fwd
5,6,7.8.,Cross R over L, step L back, R ft 14 turn R, left fwd
Touch R heel Fwd, Touch R Heel Side, Sailor with ¼ R- L heel fwd, L heel side, L sailor with ¼ turn L
1,2,3&,4Touch R heel fwd R heel to side., Step R behind left, left back ¼ turn,R ft fwd
5,6,7&,8.Touch L heel fwd, L heel to side, L behind R, R back ¼ turn L – L fwd
R Lock step & L lock step - step ½,L, ½ turning shuffle
1, & 2,3, & 4,R fwd, lock L behind, step R fwd. – L fwd, lock R, step L fwd
5,6,7& ,8R fwd,pivot ½ turn L, half turn shuffle R.L.R.
Back sweeps, L Coaster cross Side Rock & cross x 2
1,2,3 &,4Sweep L back, sweep R back. L back, R nxt to L. L across right
5,&6,7&,8Rock R to R side, cross over L – Rock L to L side, cross over R
Jazz Box ¼ R x 2
1,2,3.4,Cross R over L, step L back, R ft 14 turn R, left fwd
5,6,7.8.,Cross R over L, step L back, R ft 14 turn R, left fwd