Easy Improver
Section 1 - Prissy walk RLRL, point side, touch in, big step to side, drag, touch
1234walk fwd RLRL
5678point R to right, touch R next to L, big step to side, drag L to R, touch L next to R
Section 2 - Point side, touch in, big step to side, drag, touch, jazzbox 1/4 R
1234point L to left, touch L next to R, big step to side, drag R to L, touch R next to L
5678cross R over L, 1/4 R stepping L back, step R to side, step L fwd (3:00)
Section 3 - Kickball fwd * 2, fwd rock, recover, big step back, drag
1&2kick R fwd, ball step R next to L, step L slightly fwd
3&4kick R fwd, ball step R next to L, step L slightly fwd
5678rock R fwd, recover on L, big step R back, drag L to R over 2 count
Section 4 - Back rock, recover, 1/4 R side rock, recover, jazzbox, brush
12rock L back, recover on R
341/4 R side rock, recover on R (6:00)
5678cross L over R, step R back, step L to side, brush R fwd
*** Restart
During wall 5
Dance up to 16 count
Instead of 1/4 R jazzbox
Make a half turn R jazzbox
1234walk fwd RLRL
5678point R to right, touch R next to L, big step to side, drag L to R, touch L next to R
Section 2 - Point side, touch in, big step to side, drag, touch, jazzbox 1/4 R
1234point L to left, touch L next to R, big step to side, drag R to L, touch R next to L
5678cross R over L, 1/4 R stepping L back, step R to side, step L fwd (3:00)
Section 3 - Kickball fwd * 2, fwd rock, recover, big step back, drag
1&2kick R fwd, ball step R next to L, step L slightly fwd
3&4kick R fwd, ball step R next to L, step L slightly fwd
5678rock R fwd, recover on L, big step R back, drag L to R over 2 count
Section 4 - Back rock, recover, 1/4 R side rock, recover, jazzbox, brush
12rock L back, recover on R
341/4 R side rock, recover on R (6:00)
5678cross L over R, step R back, step L to side, brush R fwd
*** Restart
During wall 5
Dance up to 16 count
Instead of 1/4 R jazzbox
Make a half turn R jazzbox