CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Matt Oakley (SWE) - February 2023
Wet - Brevis & M.I.M.E.
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Heel tap, Recover, Hooking triple with ¼ R, Syncopated rock, Step forward, sweep.
(start with feet shoulder width apart weight on RF)
1LF heel tap.
2LF step down.
3RF hook behind LF rock step.
&Recover weight to LF.
4RF turn ¼ R small step forward.
5LF rock forward.
&Recover weight to RF.
6LF rock back.
&Recover weight to RF.
7LF step forward.
8Lift L heel and step RF forward (keeping weight on the ball of LF).

½ Right, coaster step with diagonal triple step, walk-walk, ball-change walk forward.
1Turn ½ R on the ball of LF, keeping RF on the floor.
2RF step back.
&RF close to LF.
3RF step forward, turning 1/8 R to diagonal.
&LF step forward staying diagonal.
4RF step over RF keeping body position.
5LF Step forward, turning body 1/8 L.
6RF step forward.
&LF step on ball of foot to side and slightly forward.
7RF step forward.
8LF step forward.

¼ switch turn R, Cross-side, weave, step-hitch, step down.
1Turn ¼ R switching weight to RF.
2LF cross over RF.
3RF step to R side.
4LF cross behind RF.
&RF small step to R side.
5LF cross over RF.
6RF step to R side.
7Hitch L knee.
8Turn ¼ L stepping foot down.

Lock, unwind, hold, ball-change, syncopated rock, 2 walks.
&RF small step forward.
1LF lock behind RF.
2Unwind a full turn L (end slightly under rotated with R side back). Weight should be on RF.
&LF step in place.
4RF step back.
5LF rock back
&RF recover weight.
6LF step forward.
7RF step forward
8LF Turn ½ L stepping back.

Step touch x4, turning.
1RF step back to R diagonal.
2LF touch next to RF.
3LF step back to L diagonal.
4RF touch next to LF.
5Turn ½ turn L stepping RF back.
6LF touch to RF.
7LF step forward to L diagonal.
8RF touch to LF.

Syncopated rock back x2, syncopated rock forward, step, step.
1RF rock back.
&LF Recover weight.
2RF turn ½ L stepping back.
3LF rock back.
&RF recover weight.
4LF step forward.
5RF rock forward.
&LF recover weight.
6RF step back.
7LF turn ½ L stepping forward.
8RF turn ¼ L stepping to side.

Last Update - 15 Feb. 2023 - R1

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