Intro: 32 counts
PART A - Join your hands in rows or columns W position (if you like)
Vine 3, heel; Reverse;
1-4Side R, cross L in back, side R, L heel tch L and look to the L;
5-8Side L, cross R in back, side L, R heel tch R and look to the R;
Forward 3, kick and clap; Backward 3, ¼L kick R
1-4R Walk forward 3 while hands go down and back up, kick and clap;
5-8L Walk backward 3, turn ¼L kick R;
PART B - No hands joined, dance free and with panache.
Cross weave 3, hold; Reverse;
1-4Cross R over L, side L, cross R behind L, hold;
5-8Cross L over R, side R, cross L behind R, hold;
Mambo forward & back;;
1-4Rock R forward, Recover on L, step R back, hold;
5-8Rock L back, Recover on R, step L forward, hold;
Sequence: AA BB AA BB AA BB …. Till the end 😊.
Of course you can just dance separately, but there is more fun in rows and columns with hands.
Music: You can use the music from the demo: https://youtu.be/HYODKULcV_I
Or You can email me for the music: melodia@telenet.be
Happy Dancing and have fun!
PART A - Join your hands in rows or columns W position (if you like)
Vine 3, heel; Reverse;
1-4Side R, cross L in back, side R, L heel tch L and look to the L;
5-8Side L, cross R in back, side L, R heel tch R and look to the R;
Forward 3, kick and clap; Backward 3, ¼L kick R
1-4R Walk forward 3 while hands go down and back up, kick and clap;
5-8L Walk backward 3, turn ¼L kick R;
PART B - No hands joined, dance free and with panache.
Cross weave 3, hold; Reverse;
1-4Cross R over L, side L, cross R behind L, hold;
5-8Cross L over R, side R, cross L behind R, hold;
Mambo forward & back;;
1-4Rock R forward, Recover on L, step R back, hold;
5-8Rock L back, Recover on R, step L forward, hold;
Sequence: AA BB AA BB AA BB …. Till the end 😊.
Of course you can just dance separately, but there is more fun in rows and columns with hands.
Music: You can use the music from the demo: https://youtu.be/HYODKULcV_I
Or You can email me for the music: melodia@telenet.be
Happy Dancing and have fun!