High Beginner
Intro: 16 Counts, Start at approx 7 secs
SEC 1: Swivel Heel, Toe, Heel Bounces, Step, Touch, Back, Touch
1-2Twist right heel to right, twist right toe to right transferring weight onto right
3-4Bounce left heel twice
5-6Step left diagonal left forward, touch right beside left
7-8Step right diagonal right back, touch left beside right
Restart/Step change Here on Wall 5, On count 8 step left beside right
SEC 2: Diagonal Step Lock Step, Scuff, Step, ½ Turn Twists, Hook
1-2Step left to left diagonal, lock right behind left
3-4Step left to left diagonal, scuff right forward
5-6Step right forward, turn 1/4 left twist both heels to right (9:00)
7-8Twist both heels to left, turn 1/4 left twist both heels to right hooking left over right (6:00)
SEC 3: Step Lock Step, Scuff, Jazz Box, Cross
1-2Step left to left diagonal, lock right behind left
3-4Step left to left diagonal, scuff right forward
5-6Cross right over left, step left back
7-8Step right to right, cross left over right
Restart Here on Wall 11
SEC 4: Side, Touch, Side, Touch, Side, Swivel Heel, Toe, Heel
1-2Step right to right, touch left beside right
3-4Step left to left, touch right beside left
5-6Step right to right, twist left heel to right
7-8Twist left toe to right, twist left heel to right transferring weight onto left
Wall 5 Step Change/Restart on count 8.
On count 8 step left beside right.
Wall 11 Restart after 24 counts
Have Fun!
Contact Ivonne via: ivonne.verhagen70@gmail.com
Contact Colin via:
SEC 1: Swivel Heel, Toe, Heel Bounces, Step, Touch, Back, Touch
1-2Twist right heel to right, twist right toe to right transferring weight onto right
3-4Bounce left heel twice
5-6Step left diagonal left forward, touch right beside left
7-8Step right diagonal right back, touch left beside right
Restart/Step change Here on Wall 5, On count 8 step left beside right
SEC 2: Diagonal Step Lock Step, Scuff, Step, ½ Turn Twists, Hook
1-2Step left to left diagonal, lock right behind left
3-4Step left to left diagonal, scuff right forward
5-6Step right forward, turn 1/4 left twist both heels to right (9:00)
7-8Twist both heels to left, turn 1/4 left twist both heels to right hooking left over right (6:00)
SEC 3: Step Lock Step, Scuff, Jazz Box, Cross
1-2Step left to left diagonal, lock right behind left
3-4Step left to left diagonal, scuff right forward
5-6Cross right over left, step left back
7-8Step right to right, cross left over right
Restart Here on Wall 11
SEC 4: Side, Touch, Side, Touch, Side, Swivel Heel, Toe, Heel
1-2Step right to right, touch left beside right
3-4Step left to left, touch right beside left
5-6Step right to right, twist left heel to right
7-8Twist left toe to right, twist left heel to right transferring weight onto left
Wall 5 Step Change/Restart on count 8.
On count 8 step left beside right.
Wall 11 Restart after 24 counts
Have Fun!
Contact Ivonne via: ivonne.verhagen70@gmail.com
Contact Colin via: