S1 hip sway R-L, side, touch, hip sway L-R, side, touch
1-2 3-4hip sway R(1), hip sway L(2), R side(3), L touch next to R(4)
5-6 7-8hip sway L(5), hip sway R(6), L side(7), R touch next to L(8)
S2 back shuffle, back rock, forward shuffle, forward rock
1&2 3-4R back(1), L together next to R(&), R back(2), L back rock(3), R recover(4)
5&6 7-8L forward(5), R together next to L(&), L forward(6), R forward rock(7), L recover(8)
S3 1/4R side, side point/clap, together, side point/clap, jazz box/cross
1-2 3-41/4R R side(1), L side point/clap(2), R together next to L(3), R side point/clap(4)
5-8R cross(5), L back(6), R side(7), L cross(8)
S4 pivot 1/2L, pivot 1/4L, syncopated heel switches/touch
1-2 3-4R step, 1/2L pivot turn, R step, 1/4 L pivot turn
5-6&R dia forward heel touch(5), hold(6), R together next to L(&),
7&8L dia forward heel touch(7), L next to R together(&), R touch next to L(8)
** Enjoy the dance!!
**Contact: ejsong364@daum.net
1-2 3-4hip sway R(1), hip sway L(2), R side(3), L touch next to R(4)
5-6 7-8hip sway L(5), hip sway R(6), L side(7), R touch next to L(8)
S2 back shuffle, back rock, forward shuffle, forward rock
1&2 3-4R back(1), L together next to R(&), R back(2), L back rock(3), R recover(4)
5&6 7-8L forward(5), R together next to L(&), L forward(6), R forward rock(7), L recover(8)
S3 1/4R side, side point/clap, together, side point/clap, jazz box/cross
1-2 3-41/4R R side(1), L side point/clap(2), R together next to L(3), R side point/clap(4)
5-8R cross(5), L back(6), R side(7), L cross(8)
S4 pivot 1/2L, pivot 1/4L, syncopated heel switches/touch
1-2 3-4R step, 1/2L pivot turn, R step, 1/4 L pivot turn
5-6&R dia forward heel touch(5), hold(6), R together next to L(&),
7&8L dia forward heel touch(7), L next to R together(&), R touch next to L(8)
** Enjoy the dance!!
**Contact: ejsong364@daum.net