#32 count intro
Section 1 - Side Touch, Kick Ball Cross x2
1-2.Step right to right side, touch left next to right.
3&4.Kick left to left diagonal, step on hall of left, cross right over left.
5-6.Step left to left side, touch right next to left.
7&8.Kick right to right diagonal, step on ball of right, cross left over right.
Section 2 - Diagonal Rocking Chair, Grapevine ¼ Right Scuff
1-4.Rock diagonally forward onto right, recover onto left, rock diagonally back onto right, recover onto left.
5-8Step right to right side, cross left behind right, make ¼ right stepping forward onto right, scuff left forward. (3.00)
Section 3 - 1/2 Pivot x2, Cross Rock, Chasse
1-4.Step forward onto left, pivot ½ over right shoulder taking weight onto right. X2 (3.00)
5-6.Cross rock left over right, recover onto right.
7&8.Step left to left side, close right, step left to left side.
Restart Here – see note at end of sheet.
Section 4 - Cross Rock, Chasse ¼, Cross Point x2
1-2.Cross rock right over left, recover onto left.
3&4.Step right to right side, close left, make ¼ right stepping forward onto right. (6.00)
5-8.Cross left over right, point right to right side, cross right over left, point left to left side.
Section 5 - Syncopated Jazzbox, Back Rock, Hinge ½
1-2.Cross left over right, step back onto right.
&3-4Step on ball of left next to right, cross right over left, step left to left side.
5-6.Rock back onto right, recover weight left.
7-8.Make ¼ left stepping back onto right, make ¼ left stepping left to left side. (12.00)
Section 6 – Jazz-box ¼, Stomp Stomp, Sway x2
1-4.Cross right over left, step left back making 1/8 turn right, make an 1/8 turn right stepping right to right side, step left forward. (3.00)
5-6.Stomp out with the right, stomp out with the left.
7-8.Sway hips right, left.
Tag: 8 counts - End of wall 2
Handbag Turn
1-2.Step right to right side, touch left next to right.
3-4.Make ¼ left stepping forward onto left, touch right next to left.
5-6.Make ¼ left stepping right to right side, touch left next to right.
7-8.Make ¼ left stepping forward onto left, touch right next to left.
Restart: During Wall 6 dance up to Section 3 count 6 then replace the Chasse with a side touch.
Section 1 - Side Touch, Kick Ball Cross x2
1-2.Step right to right side, touch left next to right.
3&4.Kick left to left diagonal, step on hall of left, cross right over left.
5-6.Step left to left side, touch right next to left.
7&8.Kick right to right diagonal, step on ball of right, cross left over right.
Section 2 - Diagonal Rocking Chair, Grapevine ¼ Right Scuff
1-4.Rock diagonally forward onto right, recover onto left, rock diagonally back onto right, recover onto left.
5-8Step right to right side, cross left behind right, make ¼ right stepping forward onto right, scuff left forward. (3.00)
Section 3 - 1/2 Pivot x2, Cross Rock, Chasse
1-4.Step forward onto left, pivot ½ over right shoulder taking weight onto right. X2 (3.00)
5-6.Cross rock left over right, recover onto right.
7&8.Step left to left side, close right, step left to left side.
Restart Here – see note at end of sheet.
Section 4 - Cross Rock, Chasse ¼, Cross Point x2
1-2.Cross rock right over left, recover onto left.
3&4.Step right to right side, close left, make ¼ right stepping forward onto right. (6.00)
5-8.Cross left over right, point right to right side, cross right over left, point left to left side.
Section 5 - Syncopated Jazzbox, Back Rock, Hinge ½
1-2.Cross left over right, step back onto right.
&3-4Step on ball of left next to right, cross right over left, step left to left side.
5-6.Rock back onto right, recover weight left.
7-8.Make ¼ left stepping back onto right, make ¼ left stepping left to left side. (12.00)
Section 6 – Jazz-box ¼, Stomp Stomp, Sway x2
1-4.Cross right over left, step left back making 1/8 turn right, make an 1/8 turn right stepping right to right side, step left forward. (3.00)
5-6.Stomp out with the right, stomp out with the left.
7-8.Sway hips right, left.
Tag: 8 counts - End of wall 2
Handbag Turn
1-2.Step right to right side, touch left next to right.
3-4.Make ¼ left stepping forward onto left, touch right next to left.
5-6.Make ¼ left stepping right to right side, touch left next to right.
7-8.Make ¼ left stepping forward onto left, touch right next to left.
Restart: During Wall 6 dance up to Section 3 count 6 then replace the Chasse with a side touch.