CopperKnob Stepsheets

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My Girl

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Phrased Intermediate
Wendy Teh (MY) - 2007
Never Say Good Bye - Mario & Nesty : (CD: Korean Drama Theme Song)
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Sequence: A*, A, B, B, A, A*, B, B*, B, A
A* = dance up to 36 counts, omit last 4 counts and restart
B* = dance up to 30 counts, add 2 Counts Tag < Step R Fwd, Pivot ¼L Turn > Then Restart Part B Again

Part A (40 Counts)
Set 1: Touch, Together, Touch, Together, Hitch, Step, Hop 3x
1-2Touch R to R (Weight on L), Step R next to L (weight on R) [swing R arm fwd and bend R elbow]
3-4Touch L to L (Weight on R), Step L next to R (weight on L) [swing L arm fwd and bend L elbow]
5-6Hitch R knee to L diagonal, step R next to L [rise both arm ‘V’ shape]
7&8Hop to L side 3 times [flicking your hand at the side]

Set 2: Kick Step, Rock Step, Scuff Touch, Isolate Head, Look Right
1&2&Kick R fwd, Step R next to L, Rock L back, Recover onto R
3&4&Kick L fwd, Step L next to R, Rock R back, Recover onto L
5-6R scruff, touch R out to R side, (bend R leg)
7&8Isolate your head/shoulder, look to R side (sharp)

Set 3: Body Roll 2x, Cross Touch, ¼R Turn Cross Touch
1-2Step R to R and R body roll, touch L next to R
3-4Step L to L and L body roll, touch R next to L
5-6Step R to R, cross touch L over R
7-8Step L down ¼R turn, cross touch R over L

Set 4: Diamond Shape, Step, Shimmy, Shoulder Up & Down
Picture a clock on the floor for this part. You will end at 6:00, moving to the Left
&1Step to R, Step L next to R (3:00)
&2Step R fwd to L diagonal, Step L next to R (12:00)
&3Step R back to L diagonal, Step L next to R (9:00)
&4Step R back to R diagonal, Step L next to R (6:00)
5&6Shimmy to R, step L next to R
7&Press R to R with pull your R shoulder up, L shoulder up
8&Drop your R shoulder down, L shoulder down

Set 5: Jazz Box ¼R Turn, Paddle Point Turn L 4x
1-4Cross R over L, Step L back diagonal, Step R to R ¼R turn, Step L next to R
[swing and bend elbow R-L-R with body slightly bend fwd]
Wall 1 – Restart Part A. Omit Last 4 counts
Wall 6 – Restart Part B, Omit Last 4 counts
5-8Paddle Point Turn L – 4x (Full Circle) [Flick Your R Hand]

Part B (40 counts)
Set 1: Dorothy Step, Cross Rock Recover, 1+½R turn
1-2&Step R to R diagonal, lock L behind R, Step R to R diagonal
3-4&Step L to L diagonal, lock R behind L, step L to L diagonal
5-6R cross rock fwd, recover onto L
7&8½ turn R step R fwd, ½ turn R step L back, ½ turn R step R fwd
Easy: Optional: 7&8 ½ turn R turn fwd shuffle

Set 2: Syncopated Diagonal Rock Step, ¼ Turning Shuffle
1-2&Rock fwd on L (11 o’clock), Recover onto R, step L next to R
3-4&Rock fwd on R (1 o’clock), recover onto L, step R next to L
5-6Rock fwd on L, recover onto R
7&8Turning ¾ L turn shuffle L, R, L

Set 3: Rock Step, Syncopated Weave ½ L Turn, Point, Hitch, Sailor ½ L Turn
1-2Rock R to R, recover onto L
3&4Cross R behind L, ¼ L turn step L fwd, ¼ L turn step R to R
5-6Point L out to L (bend R leg), hitch L
7&8½ L turn step L back, step R next to L, Step L fwd

Set 4: Forward Lock Step, Full Turn Spiral, Rock Step
1-2Step R fwd, lock L behind R
3&4Lock step fwd R, L, R
5-6Step L fwd, full turn spiral to R on ball L
7-8Rock R fwd, Recover onto L
Tag on Wall 8: Dance 1-6, Add 2 counts Tag (Then Restart Part B Again)

Set 5: ¼ R Turn, Slide, Hip Roll, ½ R Turn, Slide, Hip Bump
1-2¼ R turn long step R to R, slide L to R
(Raise your R arm from the back and up to the ear)
&3&4Hip roll anti-clockwise twice
5-6½ R turn long step L to L, slide R to L
(Raise your L arm from the back and up to the ear)
7-8Hip bump to L twice (keep your weight on L)

This dance won 3rd placing Choreography Competition in DanceFuntasia Penang 2007.


2 评论

YuPuay January 14, 2023
Love this dance!!!! You are greatly missed, Wendy!

Jasmine Choo January 16, 2023
Agree with you YuPuay!!!! 💔😢

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