Phrased Absolute Beginner
This dance has been written for Absolute Beginners, to learn a dance without needing to turn around to other walls. It is inspired by Ed Lawton’s phrased dance, ‘Blame It On The Boogie’ which works well as a floor split.
SEQUENCE: ABB, ABB, ABB, A ½A, B to the end
PART A: Verse
Side Point, Touch, Step Side, Touch, Side Point, Touch, Step Side, Touch
1 2Point R to R side, touch R beside L
3 4Step R to R side, touch L beside R
5 6Point L to L side, touch L beside R
7 8Step L to L side, touch R beside L
V Step x 2
1 2Step R out to R diagonal, step L out to L diagonal
3 4Step R back in, step L back in
5 6Step R out to R diagonal, step L out to L diagonal
7 8Step R back in, step L back in
Side w. thigh slap, Close w. clap, Heel Swivel x 3, Side w. thigh slap, Close w. clap, Heel Swivel x 3
1 2Step R to R side slapping hands onto thighs, close L beside R clapping hands together
3&4Swivel heels R, L, R (or hip bumps)
5 6Step L to L side slapping hands onto thighs, close R beside L clapping hands together
7&8Swivel heels R, L, R (or hip bumps) weight ends on L
Forward, Touch, Back, Touch, Forward, Touch, Back, Touch
1 2Step R forward, touch L beside R
3 4Step L back, touch R beside L
5 6Step R forward, touch L beside R
7 8Step L back, touch R beside L
(Optional shimmy throughout this section)
PART B: Chorus
Grapevine R, Rolling Vine L (with arm movements)
1-4Step R to side, cross L behind, step R to side, touch L beside R
(Arms: with palms facing away from you imitate ‘sunshine’ raising hands up then outwards
3 4Step L forward turning ¼ L, step R back turning ½ L
5 6Step L to side turning ¼ L, touch R beside
(Arms: ‘Moonlight’ lift arms like a plane and twinkle fingers counts 5-8)
Option: Instead of turning, do a straight grapevine L)
Hips bumps R, hip bumps L, Jazz Box
1&2Step R to R side pushing into R hip, bump hips to L, bump hips to R taking weight onto R
3&4Bump to L hip, bump hips to R, bump hips to L taking weight onto L
5 6Cross R over L, step L back
7 8Step R to R side, step L forward
(Arms: Roll your arms over 5-8)
SEQUENCE: ABB, ABB, ABB, A ½A, B to the end
PART A: Verse
Side Point, Touch, Step Side, Touch, Side Point, Touch, Step Side, Touch
1 2Point R to R side, touch R beside L
3 4Step R to R side, touch L beside R
5 6Point L to L side, touch L beside R
7 8Step L to L side, touch R beside L
V Step x 2
1 2Step R out to R diagonal, step L out to L diagonal
3 4Step R back in, step L back in
5 6Step R out to R diagonal, step L out to L diagonal
7 8Step R back in, step L back in
Side w. thigh slap, Close w. clap, Heel Swivel x 3, Side w. thigh slap, Close w. clap, Heel Swivel x 3
1 2Step R to R side slapping hands onto thighs, close L beside R clapping hands together
3&4Swivel heels R, L, R (or hip bumps)
5 6Step L to L side slapping hands onto thighs, close R beside L clapping hands together
7&8Swivel heels R, L, R (or hip bumps) weight ends on L
Forward, Touch, Back, Touch, Forward, Touch, Back, Touch
1 2Step R forward, touch L beside R
3 4Step L back, touch R beside L
5 6Step R forward, touch L beside R
7 8Step L back, touch R beside L
(Optional shimmy throughout this section)
PART B: Chorus
Grapevine R, Rolling Vine L (with arm movements)
1-4Step R to side, cross L behind, step R to side, touch L beside R
(Arms: with palms facing away from you imitate ‘sunshine’ raising hands up then outwards
3 4Step L forward turning ¼ L, step R back turning ½ L
5 6Step L to side turning ¼ L, touch R beside
(Arms: ‘Moonlight’ lift arms like a plane and twinkle fingers counts 5-8)
Option: Instead of turning, do a straight grapevine L)
Hips bumps R, hip bumps L, Jazz Box
1&2Step R to R side pushing into R hip, bump hips to L, bump hips to R taking weight onto R
3&4Bump to L hip, bump hips to R, bump hips to L taking weight onto L
5 6Cross R over L, step L back
7 8Step R to R side, step L forward
(Arms: Roll your arms over 5-8)