Absolute Beginner
*Tag1: 16count - After wall 9 facing 3:00
1~8Cross(2), Cross(2), Back(2), Back(2)
*Tag2: 4count - On wall 10 after counts16 facing 3:00
1~4Cross, Cross, Back, Back
Sec 1: Cross point, side point, behind point, side / R-L
1234Point cross R over L, point R side, point R behind L, step R side
5678Point cross L over R, point L side, point L behind R, step L side
Sec 2: Vine, Jump/ R-L
1234Step R side, step L behind R, together R, Jump
5678Step L side, step R behind L, together L, Jump
Sec 3: Heel, heel, toe, Forward(clap) / R-L
1234Touch R heel fwd x 2, touch R toe next to L, step R fwd (clap)
5678Touch L heel fwd x 2, touch L toe next to R, step L fwd (clap)
Sec 4: V-step, 3/4R walk around (9:00)
1234Step R diag fw to R, step L diag fw to L, step R back to center, step L beside R
5678Walk around stepping make a 3/4 turn to right R,L,R,L
Contact: yoonjjang68@hanmail.net
1~8Cross(2), Cross(2), Back(2), Back(2)
*Tag2: 4count - On wall 10 after counts16 facing 3:00
1~4Cross, Cross, Back, Back
Sec 1: Cross point, side point, behind point, side / R-L
1234Point cross R over L, point R side, point R behind L, step R side
5678Point cross L over R, point L side, point L behind R, step L side
Sec 2: Vine, Jump/ R-L
1234Step R side, step L behind R, together R, Jump
5678Step L side, step R behind L, together L, Jump
Sec 3: Heel, heel, toe, Forward(clap) / R-L
1234Touch R heel fwd x 2, touch R toe next to L, step R fwd (clap)
5678Touch L heel fwd x 2, touch L toe next to R, step L fwd (clap)
Sec 4: V-step, 3/4R walk around (9:00)
1234Step R diag fw to R, step L diag fw to L, step R back to center, step L beside R
5678Walk around stepping make a 3/4 turn to right R,L,R,L
Contact: yoonjjang68@hanmail.net