Intro: 16 counts - No Tags
Side Step R, Triple Step, Jazz Box in Place
1-4Step R to R side, Step L to R, Step R/L/R,
5-8Step L over R, Step back on R, Step on L, Step on R
Side Step L, Triple Step, Jazz Box ¼ to R
1-4Step L to L side, Step R to L, Step L/R/L
5-8Step R over L, Step back on L, turning ¼ R, Step on R, Step on L
Cross Point R/L. Rocking chair
1-8Step R fwd. Touch L to L side, Step L fwd. Touch R to R side
5-8Step R fwd. Rock back on L, Rock back on R, Return L fwd.
Jazz Box ¼ R. Sway Hips R 2x, L 2x
1-4Step R over L, Step back on L turning ¼ R, Step on R, Step on L
5-8Sway Hips R 2x’s, Sway Hips L 2x’s
Enjoy this beautiful song and new routine. I tried to make it easy for new beginners. Perfect for a warm-up too. It will go to any 32 count song with no tags. If you want to make it a 4 wall, do the second jazz box in place. Please do not alter routine without my permission. Thank you, Georgie Mygrant mygeo@adamswells.com or mygrantg@outlook.com
I dedicate this song and routine to my husband who has stood by me and encouraged for over 67 years now. If we both make it to July 2nd. 2023, it will be 68 years of love and togetherness for us, having 4 beautiful children, 8 grandchildren, 14 great-grandchildren, and 2 precious Great-great-grandchildren and 1 more on its way. I Thank God every day and pray for more years to come for all of us, if God’s willing. Georgie.
Side Step R, Triple Step, Jazz Box in Place
1-4Step R to R side, Step L to R, Step R/L/R,
5-8Step L over R, Step back on R, Step on L, Step on R
Side Step L, Triple Step, Jazz Box ¼ to R
1-4Step L to L side, Step R to L, Step L/R/L
5-8Step R over L, Step back on L, turning ¼ R, Step on R, Step on L
Cross Point R/L. Rocking chair
1-8Step R fwd. Touch L to L side, Step L fwd. Touch R to R side
5-8Step R fwd. Rock back on L, Rock back on R, Return L fwd.
Jazz Box ¼ R. Sway Hips R 2x, L 2x
1-4Step R over L, Step back on L turning ¼ R, Step on R, Step on L
5-8Sway Hips R 2x’s, Sway Hips L 2x’s
Enjoy this beautiful song and new routine. I tried to make it easy for new beginners. Perfect for a warm-up too. It will go to any 32 count song with no tags. If you want to make it a 4 wall, do the second jazz box in place. Please do not alter routine without my permission. Thank you, Georgie Mygrant mygeo@adamswells.com or mygrantg@outlook.com
I dedicate this song and routine to my husband who has stood by me and encouraged for over 67 years now. If we both make it to July 2nd. 2023, it will be 68 years of love and togetherness for us, having 4 beautiful children, 8 grandchildren, 14 great-grandchildren, and 2 precious Great-great-grandchildren and 1 more on its way. I Thank God every day and pray for more years to come for all of us, if God’s willing. Georgie.